All Headlines

  1. February 7, 1994

    $1 million grant funds study of teaching in U.S., Germany, Japan

    By Diane Swanbrow News and Information Services U-M researcher Harold W. Stevenson and colleagues have been awarded a $1,068,000 grant from the U.S. Department of Education to support a three-year comparative study of teaching and learning in the United States, Germany and Japan. The study will involve intensive case studies of kindergarten through 11th-grade students…
  2. January 31, 1994

    Colored Museum Project sponsors series of events Feb. 10–16

    The Colored Museum Project, created to explore the function of theater in the next century with special emphasis on multi-ethnic theater, is sponsoring a series of events Feb. 10–16. Production of George C. Wolfe’s award-winning play The Colored Museum, from which the project got its name, highlights activities. Performances will be held at 8 p.m.…
  3. January 31, 1994

    Mellon funds U-M-based effort to improve grad education

    By Mary Jo Frank National fellowship programs that provide sustained financial support for graduate students don’t always produce quick trips (six years or less) through the doctoral maze, or even a Ph.D. Surprisingly, the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation learned in the late 1980s that “multi-year fellowship programs in the humanities and related social sciences have…
  4. January 31, 1994

    Women’s studies to offer interdepartmental Ph.D.

    By Deborah Gilbert News and Information Services The Women’s Studies Program will launch an interdepartmental Ph.D. program in fall 1994, “which, as far as we know, is the first of its kind in the country,” says Abigail J. Stewart, director of the Women’s Studies Program and professor of psychology. Initially, the degree will be offered…
  5. January 31, 1994

    Allan Smith remembered as respected scholar, beloved teacher

    Allan F. Smith, professor emeritus and former dean of the University of Michigan Law School, died Jan. 21 in Sarasota, Fla. Smith, who served as interim president in 1979, was a respected scholar in real estate transactions and personal property law, and a beloved teacher. “Allan Smith had an extraordinary impact on the University of…
  6. January 31, 1994

    Faculty governance leaders to discuss offering financial rewards

    By Mary Jo Frank Faculty leaders will meet in March to consider a plan to restructure faculty governance, including providing financial rewards for the Senate Advisory Committee on University Affairs (SACUA) chair, SACUA members and some SACUA committee chairs. Senate Assembly members, members of Assembly committees, and members of school and college executive committees will…
  7. January 31, 1994

    Questions, concerns about flex addressed at public forums

    Editor’s Note: The report of the Flexible Benefits Advisory Committee was carried in a special section of the Jan. 17 Record. A limited number of copies are available from the Record office, 747-1841. Questions about the sick leave/attendance incentive program, the pricing of benefits and the relationship between core benefits and flexible benefits were among…
  8. January 31, 1994

    Staff urged to participate in survey on University’s environment

    By Jane R. Elgass Many members of the University community will have an opportunity over the next two weeks to “tell it like it is” by completing a survey about the work environment here. A survey on “Perceptions of the Work Environment at the University of Michigan” is being sent via campus mail this week…
  9. January 31, 1994

    Assembly members discuss flexible benefits proposal

    Editor’s Note: See page 3 for article on public forums. By Mary Jo Frank “We’ll have to take sabbaticals just to figure out our benefits,” quipped Louis G. D’Alecy, professor of physiology, at last Monday’s Senate Assembly meeting. He was one of a number of faculty members who admitted finding flexible benefits confusing. Any move…
  10. January 31, 1994


    Neighborhood program names director Charlene Johnson of Highland Park has been appointed program director for the Michigan Neighborhood Partnership, a group of community-based organizations working together to help promote economic and social development in Detroit. Announcement of the appointment was made by Larry Coppard, director of the School of Social Work’s Office of External Relations…