May 8, 1995
The University Record, May 8, 1995 Check your benefits report to plan ahead for flex By Sue White Benefits Office The annual benefits report was mailed to faculty and staff May 1. Published by the Benefits Office, the report identifies each staff member’s individual benefits package and provides a statement of costs of those benefits…
May 8, 1995
The University Record, May 8, 1995 Federal research funding debate at critical stage; Neal asks faculty to take role in informing Congress In the next few weeks, Congress will be considering actions that could dramatically change the role of the federal government in the support of university-based research, scholarship and creative activity, and it is…
May 8, 1995
The University Record, May 8, 1995 ‘Workplace of ’90s’ features Empatheatre, 47 workshops By Jane R. Elgass Presentations by an improvisational theater group and 47 workshops are among the offerings at this year’s Workplace of the ’90s Conference: “Claiming Ownership: A Balance of Freedom and Responsibility.” It will be held May 18 at the Michigan…
May 8, 1995
The University Record, May 8, 1995 4 honored for dissertations By Rebecca A. Doyle Genetic research, a five-movement full symphonic work, a model of the formation and dissolution of nations in the post-Cold War era and a study of demonic and saintly spirits seem almost too diverse to be contained within one university. Yet those…
May 8, 1995
The University Record, May 8, 1995 Dial-in access numbers to change Busy signals that have plagued computer users who dial in to the University’s modem pool to gain access to either the Internet or University computer services may soon become a thing of the past. By the end of May, three new telephone numbers will…
May 8, 1995
The University Record, May 8, 1995 Davis, Sellinger are granted emeritus status Two faculty members were given the emeritus title by the Regents at their April meeting. Those retiring are Roger E. Davis, professor of psychology and research scientist in the Mental Health Research Institute, and Otto Z. Sellinger, research scientist in the Mental Health…
May 8, 1995
The University Record, May 8, 1995 20 women faculty receive Career Development Awards of $5,000 By Jared Blank The Office of the Provost recently awarded funding to 20 female faculty members through the University’s Career Development Fund. This is the second group of faculty to receive the award, which was created to respond to the…
May 8, 1995
The University Record, May 8, 1995 Brochure spells out commitment to diversity By Mary Jo Frank University Relations “Affirmative Action on the Line” asserts the April 28 Chronicle of Higher Education headline. In a special 22-page section about affirmative action programs on college campuses across the country, the Chronicle includes the U-M’s launching of the…
May 8, 1995
The University Record, May 8, 1995 Bagley portrait donated to state The donation of a portrait of John J. Bagley, Michigan’s governor in 1873-77, to the state of Michigan was approved by the Regents at their April meeting. “The University’s History and Traditions Committee recently discovered that the state of Michigan is trying to retrieve…
April 24, 1995
The University Record, April 24, 1995 Womack: M-Quality “puts decision-making down where it belongs’ Womack: M-Quality “puts decision-making down where it belongs’ A report distributed to the Regents last week “captures real problems being attacked by people who know the most about them,” said Farris W. Womack, executive vice president and chief financial officer. The…