All Headlines

  1. June 19, 1995

    Marletta receives $275,000 MacArthur Foundation fellowship

    The University Record, June 19, 1995 Marletta receives $275,000 MacArthur Foundation fellowship By Sally Pobojewski News and Information Services Biochemist Michael A. Marletta is one of 24 new MacArthur Fellows announced today by the John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation. Marletta, the John Gideon Searle Professor of Medicinal Chemistry and Pharmacognosy in the College…
  2. June 19, 1995

    Cost of LTD coverage increases

    The University Record, June 19, 1995 Cost of LTD coverage increases   The Benefits Office has announced rate increases for the Long Term Disability Plan (LTD) coverage effective June 1. Marty Eichstadt, director of benefits operations, says, “We notified you last year at this time that we expected increases to occur at this time each…
  3. June 19, 1995


    The University Record, June 19, 1995 Best way to handle sexual harassment is to tell someone about it By Debbie Gilbert News and Information Services Sexual harassment: is it or isn’t it? “Sleep with me and you will get the promotion,” is a clear-cut example of sexual harassment, but what about dirty jokes and sexual…
  4. June 19, 1995

    No more grades: new approaches to assessment replace standard tests and report cards in a growing number of schools

    The University Record, June 19, 1995 No more grades: new approaches to assessment replace standard tests and report cards in a growing number of schools By Diane Swanbrow News and Information Services Growing numbers of school children today are being assessed in ways that link the process of evaluation with teaching and learning more effectively…
  5. June 19, 1995

    Clements Library exhibit features accounts of yellow fever epidemic of 1793 through the end of June

    The University Record, June 19, 1995 Clements Library exhibit features accounts of yellow fever epidemic of 1793 through the end of June By Joanne Nesbit News and Information Services The Clements Library is exhibiting newspaper accounts, maps, engravings, minute books, pamphlets and personal letters documenting the horrendous yellow fever epidemic that struck Philadelphia in 1793,…
  6. June 19, 1995

    Laser eye surgery makes debut at Medical Center

    The University Record, June 19, 1995 Laser eye surgery makes debut at Medical Center The excimer laser, already used with promising results in Canada, Australia, Germany and elsewhere to correct nearsightedness and astigmatism, has arrived at the Medical Center. The Kellogg Eye Center is the only center in Michigan and one of 20 nationwide testing…
  7. June 19, 1995

    Regents warned of cuts in federal funds for research, financial aid

    The University Record, June 19, 1995 Regents warned of cuts in federal funds for research, financial aid By Rebecca A. Doyle The University can expect federal funding for research and student financial aid programs to level off or decrease for the 1996-97 fiscal year. That was the message Regents heard from University administrators at the…
  8. June 19, 1995

    Clarke wins Sokol Award

    The University Record, June 19, 1995 Clarke wins Sokol Award Roy Clarke, professor of physics and director of the Applied Physics Program, has received the 1995 Margaret and Herman Sokol Faculty Award. In congratulating Clarke, John H. D’Arms, dean of the Rackham School of Graduate Studies, wrote that Clarke’s nomination “furnished an impressive illustration of…
  9. June 19, 1995

    U.S. Election Studies are now available on CD-ROM

    The University Record, June 19, 1995 U.S. Election Studies are now available on CD-ROM By Bernie DeGroat News and Information Services Social scientists who study elections, public opinion, political participation and other social and political phenomena now have access to nearly five decades of the American National Election Studies (ANES) series on CD-ROM. For the…
  10. June 19, 1995

    Bylaw change proposed

    The University Record, June 19, 1995 Bylaw change proposed Editor’s Note: Comments on the following proposed Bylaw change should be received by the Office of the General Counsel (Room 4020, Fleming Administration Building, 764-0304) by July 3. Changes/additions are underlined. Deletions are strikethrough. Sec. 2.06 The Vice President for Government University Relations The vice president…