All Headlines

  1. June 19, 1995

    Whitaker delivers final speech to Senate Assembly

    The University Record, June 19, 1995 Whitaker delivers final speech to Senate Assembly Editor’s Note: Gilbert R. Whitaker, Jr. delivered his final speech as provost to the Senate Assmebly on May 15. Members of the Senate Assembly, friends, former friends, future friends, enemies, former enemies, and future enemies, colleagues and others. I am pleased to…
  2. June 19, 1995

    Managing an Escalating Crisis

    The University Record, June 19, 1995 Much workplace violence is preventable, say U-M experts By Julie A. Peterson A recently fired employee returns to exact revenge with an assault rifle; a disgruntled customer expresses his dissatisfaction with a shooting spree. Incidents such as these receive splashy newspaper headlines, striking fear in our hearts and leaving…
  3. June 19, 1995

    State legislature approves $18.8 million additional appropriation for universities

    The University Record, June 19, 1995 State legislature approves $18.8 million additional appropriation for universities State legislators last Friday resolved the remaining points of difference on how a projected $18.8 million in lapsed funds would be distributed. The recommendation will now be passed to the governor for his signature. A conference report on the state…
  4. June 19, 1995

    Solar car team will try for third national championship

    The University Record, June 19, 1995 Solar car team will try for third national championship By Sally Pobojewski News and Information Services Determined to continue the University’s winning tradition in solar racing, 15 U-M students and their solar-powered car, Solar Vision, head for Indianapolis this week to prepare for the start of Sunrayce 95. Solar…
  5. June 19, 1995

    Conference on Social Security is Thursday

    The University Record, June 19, 1995 Conference on Social Security is Thursday “The Future of Social Security: Economic and Demographic Questions,” is the subject of a mini-conference, 1-5 p.m. Thursday (June 22) at Rackham Amphitheater. The free, public event is the first in a series of conferences and seminars planned by the newly established Michigan…
  6. June 19, 1995


    The University Record, June 19, 1995 REGENTS’ ROUNDUP Regents approve 11 administrative appointments Administrative appointments approved by the Regents at their June meeting included: Ara G. Paul, professor of pharmacognosy, will extend his appointment as dean of the College of Pharmacy, effective July 1-Dec. 31. N. Harris McClamroch, professor of aerospace engineering and of electrical…
  7. June 19, 1995


    The University Record, June 19, 1995 POLICE BEAT By Elizabeth H. Hall Business Operations Man arrested for assault, malicious destruction A 24-year old man not affiliated with the University was arrested by Department of Public Safety (DPS) officers on May 13 for malicious destruction of police property, a felony punishable by up to four years…
  8. June 19, 1995


    The University Record, June 19, 1995 OBITUARY Robert C. Hendrix Robert C. Hendrix, professor emeritus of pathology, died at his home on June 12 following a long illness. He was 76. Hendrix received a master’s degree in zoology and an M.D. from the U-M in 1941 and 1948, respectively. He became a full professor of…
  9. June 19, 1995

    Regents OK new North Campus lot

    The University Record, June 19, 1995 Regents OK new North Campus lot The Regents, at their June meeting, approved a new parking lot on the North Campus. “Construction of the new Engineering Center and Integrated Technology Instruction Center buildings made it necessary to remove large parking lots that served faculty and staff on North Campus,”…
  10. June 19, 1995

    Prepare for M-Quality Expo

    The University Record, June 19, 1995 Prepare for M-Quality Expo Members of all units and teams working with M-Quality should start thinking about reserving exhibit space for the 1995 M-Quality Expo scheduled for Oct. 19-20 in the Michigan Union. This is an opportunity to demonstrate your activities and accomplishments in improving ways that we serve…