September 11, 1995
By Sally Pobojewski News and Information Services The U-M is doing its part to guarantee that tomorrow’s engineers—the technical experts who design our cars, manage our manufacturing plants and create new bioengineered drugs and medical devices—are much more likely to be women. Just over 30 percent of the more than 1,000 first-year students enrolled in…
September 11, 1995
Oct. 2 is the deadline for applications for the third round of funding of the Career Development Fund for Women Faculty, which is part of the implementation of the Michigan Agenda for Women. The fund is supported by the Presidential Initiatives Fund and provides discretionary accounts of $5,000 each. Its creation recognizes the disproportionate share…
September 11, 1995
The Drug Free Workplace Act of 1988 and the Drug Free Schools and Communities Act of 1991 require the University to notify all employees and students of specific alcohol and drug policies and programs. The acts are part of the federal government’s nationwide effort to reduce alcohol and drug abuse in the workplace. The acts…
September 11, 1995
By Jared Blank A former astronaut helped new graduate students get their feet planted on the ground at last Tuesday’s graduate student convocation in Rackham Auditorium. Associate Dean of the Horace H. Rackham School of Graduate Studies and space shuttle astronaut Anthony W. England was one of a group of administrators and faculty members who…
September 5, 1995
The University Record, September 5 , 1995 The Public Safety Oversight Committee, required under Public Act No. 120, is comprised of two staff members, two students and two faculty members nominated and elected by their peers. The committee receives and make recommendations regarding grievances against any public safety officer deputized by the University. The staff…
September 5, 1995
The University Record, September 5 , 1995 From the Institute for the Humanities
September 5, 1995
The University Record, September 5 , 1995 By Bernie DeGroat News and Information Services The Michigan Journalism Fellows Program has named 12 American and five international journalists to the program for 1995–96, including an appointment to the nation‘s first sports reporting fellowship. The fellowships provide tuition and stipends for individualized study in a U-M unit…
September 5, 1995
The University Record, September 5 , 1995 By Julie Peterson News and Information Services Joel Seguine, manager of WUOM, the U-M‘s public radio station, will take on a new role as project coordinator in the Office of University Relations. The appointment, announced in mid-August by Vice President for University Relations Walter Harrison, was effective Sept.…
September 5, 1995
The University Record, September 5 , 1995 By Sally Pobojewski News and Information Services Thanks to a one-quarter-acre marsh now under construction at the University of Michigan‘s Matthaei Botanical Gardens, water discharged into Fleming Creek from the Gardens‘ greenhouses and conservatory will soon be cleaner than water leaving the Ann Arbor wastewater treatment plant. Although…
September 5, 1995
The University Record, September 5 , 1995 By Bernie DeGroat News and Information Services Two research and training grants recently awarded to faculty in the School of Social Work will fund projects that address issues confronting children and the elderly. Profs. Ruth Dunkle and Sheila Feld have received a $1.98 million renewal grant from the…