All Headlines

  1. October 3, 1994

    Accountability required to maintain academic freedom

    Editor’s Note: The complete text of Provost Gilbert R. Whitaker’s Sept. 26 speech to Senate Assembly is on pages 5–6. By Mary Jo Frank Academic freedom is one of the preconditions for a university to perform its social function: pursuing knowledge, Provost Gilbert R. Whitaker Jr. told Senate Assembly members at their September meeting. “When…
  2. October 3, 1994

    FACULTY AWARDS Stephen S. Easter Jr., Distinguished Faculty Achievement Award

    During his more than seventeen years at the University of Michigan, Stephen Easter continues to distinguish himself and has brought honor to the University by the quality and quantity of his research, by the depth and breadth of understanding with which he enriches the education of students and faculty, and by the generosity and grace…
  3. October 3, 1994

    FACULTY AWARDS Nicholas B. Dirks, Faculty Recognition Award

    Because of his bold intellectual efforts to connect the social sciences with the humanities, and European cultural history with that of South Asia, Nicholas Dirks has earned an outstanding international reputation as a scholar of Indian history and anthropology. His work has redefined our understanding of the social structures of India, and he is centrally…
  4. October 3, 1994

    FACULTY AWARDS Richard Crawford, Distinguished Faculty Achievement Award

    Widely acknowledged as the most eminent Americanist in the field of musicology, Richard Crawford has helped to shape the scholarly directions in American musicology for over 30 years. From his invaluable studies on sacred music of the 18th and 19th century to his more recent focus on 20th-century jazz and popular music, he leads the…
  5. October 3, 1994

    FACULTY AWARDS Barry Checkoway, Regents’ Award for Distinguished Service

    A rare combination of highly regarded scholar and effective community activist, Barry Checkoway blurs the distinction between teaching, research, and service, and in so doing helps to redefine the meaning of university service. Professor Checkoway successfully links his scholarly research with service activities in the areas of community organization and community development, social planning and…
  6. October 3, 1994

    Staff share concerns about workplace violence at informal sessions

    By Mary Jo Frank Staff members shared accounts of workplace violence—ranging from death threats to verbal and physical assaults—at information gathering sessions held in September. About 40 staff members spoke, some anonymously, at the informal sessions held Sept. 20, Sept. 22 and Sept. 28. A campuswide Workplace Violence Task Force is being formed to develop…
  7. October 3, 1994

    Two groups focus on concerns, issues related to violence

    President hosts roundtable on violence against women as part of Women’s Agenda As part of the Michigan Agenda for Women, President James J. Duderstadt recently invited a number of individuals to a roundtable discussion about the most effective ways for the University to address the problem of violence against women on campus. Fifteen faculty and…
  8. October 3, 1994


    Editor’s Note: Provost Gilbert R. Whitaker Jr. addressed Senate Assembly Sept. 26 in Rackham Amphitheater. The following is the text of his presentation titled “Intellectual Independence in an Era of Accountability.” In a recent issue of Change magazine, Clark Kerr, former president of the University of California, said, “Universities enjoyed their autonomy historically as a…
  9. October 3, 1994

    Dearborn 3rd in ‘best value’among regional schools

    The U-M-Dearborn is ranked third among regional universities in the Midwest in a U.S. News & World Report rating of schools that offer the “best value.” The ratings are published in the magazine’s Oct. 3 issue. This is the first time that the magazine has ranked the schools that provide the best values, or “quality…
  10. October 3, 1994

    Nominations sought for Business School staff awards

    The deadline for nominating School of Business Administration staff for the School’s Staff Recognition Program is Oct. 31. The program, launched in fall 1993, was developed at the request of the School’s Quality Council to recognize the achievements and accomplishments of staff members. Award winners receive a certificate and $500 and have their names engraved…