October 9, 1995
Six faculty members were given the emeritus title by the Regents at their September meeting. Those retiring are David R. Bassett, associate professor of internal medicine; Harriet A. Burge, associate research scientist in the Department of Internal Medicine; Sylvie J. Carduner, lecturer III in French and director of the French Language Program in the Residential…
October 9, 1995
The following are descriptions of M-Quality in action, examples of how units have used M-Quality principles to make improvements. From the Museum of Art The Museum of Art was one of the first University units to begin using M-Quality. Process improvement teams were created for each of the Museum’s areas. The budget team had the…
October 9, 1995
By Liz Dalton News and Information Services Intern Anxiety disorders, domestic violence and management skills are a few of the diverse critical issues that will be explored in a series of fall workshops sponsored by the Department of Social Work at University Hospital and the School of Social Work. “Critical Issues in Health Care Social…
October 9, 1995
Editor’s Note: This is one in a series of periodic columns on VCM, the new approach to budgeting that will be implemented July 1, 1996. Questions are welcomed from all Record readers, and should be sent to: Jane Elgass, 412 Maynard St. 1499; fax 764-7084; e-mail:
[email protected]; or Robert Holbrook in the Provost’s Office, Room…
October 9, 1995
By Sue Lowe Benefits Office All faculty and staff who need assistance with the open enrollment worksheet or phone call on the Benefits Enrollment Line (BEL) will be able to get help from the Benefits Office this year. A comprehensive assistance plan has been developed that incorporates several kinds of informational techniques so that each…
October 9, 1995
By Diane Swanbrow News and Information Services Henry Louis Gates Jr., the W.E.B. Du Bois Professor of the Humanities at Harvard University, will deliver this year’s Tanner Lecture on Human Valrues. Titled “Enlightenment’s Esau: On Burke and Wright,” the lecture will begin at 4 p.m. Fri. (Oct. 13) in Rackham Auditorium. A panel of three…
October 9, 1995
By Jane R. Elgass No, he has no interest in becoming the Wolverines’ football coach. No, he’s not planning to become the next dean of the College of Engineering. No, he’s not planning to take up the presidency of another University. And, no, he’s not planning to try to stay on as president What President…
October 2, 1995
The University Record, October 2 , 1995 By Rebecca A. Doyle In the summer of 1955, a handful of scientists from the University of Chicago moved to Ann Arbor as a result of the efforts of Raymond Waggoner, then chair of the Department of Psychiatry. Their efforts and expertise in such areas as neurophysiology and…
October 2, 1995
The University Record, October 2 , 1995 By Jared Blank “Being a dentist in the clinic is so rewarding because I do more than just work on people’s teeth—I help to improve people’s self-image,” says Robert Bagramian, professor of dentistry and founder of the Community Dental Center, a non-profit program jointly sponsored by the City…
October 2, 1995
The University Record, October 2 , 1995 Hazel M. Avery Hazel M. Avery, professor emerita of nursing, died Sept. 9 in Bremerton, Wash. She was 89. Avery, who served as assistant director of the nursing service at Women’s Hospital and as chair of maternity nursing in the School of Nursing, was a pioneer in family-centered…