October 30, 1995
The University Record, October 30, 1995 KUDOS Blackburn, Lawrence co-author book Robert T. Blackburn, professor of higher education, and Janet H. Lawrence, associate professor and associate dean at the Center for the Study of Higher Education, have authored Faculty at Work: Motivation, Expectation, Satisfaction, published by Johns Hopkins Press. The authors show how faculty and…
October 30, 1995
The University Record, October 30, 1995 Deadline for Michigan Humanities, Arts awards near Applications for the Michigan Humanities Award and Michigan Arts Award are due to the Vice President for Research no later than Nov. 15 for leaves to be taken in the 1996-97 academic year. Established last year to enhance the opportunities for selected…
October 30, 1995
The University Record, October 30, 1995 Norman advises Expo visitors to thrive on change By Jared Blank Nathan Norman, director of plant building services, told the audience at the M-Quality Expo that he has an affinity for change. “I thrive on change. I love change. Change is something I don’t believe I’d like to do…
October 30, 1995
The University Record, October 30, 1995 Gaucher: Successful organizations must avoid ‘death spiral’ By Jared Blank “Is TQM (Total Quality Management) dead? I think people have been saying that since its beginning,” said Ellen J. Gaucher, senior associate director of U-M Hospitals, at the opening of the M-Quality Expo ’95. Gaucher debunked a USA Today…
October 30, 1995
The University Record, October 30, 1995 Risk Management urges staff to look at insurance on papers The Risk Management Office urges all members of the University community to take a look at the risk posed by fire to valuable papers that may not be insured. The University, note Risk Management staff, does not have an…
October 30, 1995
The University Record, October 30, 1995 I am a Man opens next week at TruebloodTheatre “T.O. is not a fictional character. It was T.O. who started the union, and T.O. who called the strike. T.O. started the ball rolling and the ball rolled over him,” says Charles “OyamO” Gordon describing I Am A Man, his…
October 30, 1995
The University Record, October 30, 1995 CP&P presents career days, job fairs for students Career Planning and Placement presents Career Days, Oct. 30-Nov. 10, a concentrated collection of career-related events anchored by two career conferences. Conferences include Graduate and Professional School Day, noon-4 p.m. Thurs (Nov. 2) at the Michigan Union. Students will have the…
October 30, 1995
The University Record, October 30, 1995 Get your dialing fingers ready for Michigan Radio’s on-air fund drive By Harriet Teller Michigan Radio The banks of telephones have been ordered. Volunteers have signed up for shifts taking pledge calls from listeners. The listener-supported public radio stations of the University of Michigan are preparing for the annual…
October 30, 1995
The University Record, October 30, 1995 Campus, area groups unite to sponsor Gibran celebration By Betsy Barlow Center for Middle Eastern and North African Studies In the summer of 1895 a young Arab boy arrived in New York City from his village in Lebanon. His name was Kahlil Gibran and he went on to a…
October 30, 1995
The University Record, October 30, 1995 By Jane R. Elgass The granting of tenure carries with it the provision of certain rights, with which, in turn, come responsibilities—responsibilities related to academic freedom that are particularly important in undergraduate teaching. These were among the points made last Monday during a point-counterpoint discussion on the rights of…