All Headlines

  1. October 9, 1995

    FACULTY AWARDS: Charles F. Yocum, Distinguished Faculty Achievement Award

    An internationally recognized authority in the field of photosynthesis, Charles F. Yocum also is a gifted teacher and an unusually effective administrator. Professor Yocum’s research has focused on how plants use the process of photosynthesis to liberate oxygen from water. All oxygen-requiring organisms depend on this reaction. It was Professor Yocum’s biochemical breakthrough that ruptured…
  2. October 9, 1995

    FACULTY AWARDS: Kensall D. Wise, Distinguished Faculty Achievement Award

    A leading authority in the area of sensor technology and its application to bioelectrical systems, automated semiconductor manufacturing, and micro-elector-mechanical systems, Kensall D. Wise has been a pioneer in the field of solid-state sensors and integrated microsystems. He launched and has made significant contributions to this new, rapidly growing field of research and science from…
  3. October 9, 1995

    Task forces to address issues raised in ‘transformation agenda’

    By Jane R. Elgass The appointment of two faculty task forces and the pending appointment of a third, the first in a series of activities related to the University’s new “transformation agenda, Vision 2017,” have been announced by President James J. Duderstadt. The task forces will focus on: The Faculty Contract. The Organization of the…
  4. October 9, 1995

    FACULTY AWARDS: James A. Winn, Distinguished Faculty Achievement Award

    A man of high intelligence, great creativity, and unquenchable enthusiasm for almost everything he touches, James A. Winn is a talented teacher, writer, and musician, and a dedicated administrator. Professor Winn has directed the Institute for the Humanities since its founding seven years ago. Under his leadership, the Institute has become an exciting and powerful…
  5. October 9, 1995

    FACULTY AWARDS: James Penner-Hahn, Faculty Recognition Award

    An internationally renowned scholar in bioinorganic and biophysical chemistry, Professor James Penner-Hahn has established himself as a leader in applications of X-ray absorption spectroscopy (XAS) to biological systems. XAS has become a standard tool in bioinorganic chemistry for the examination of metals in biological systems. The significance of metals in the structure and function of…
  6. October 9, 1995

    FACULTY AWARDS: Scott G. Paris, Amoco Foundation Faculty Teaching Award

    An inspired and dedicated teacher of undergraduate and graduate students, Scott G. Paris offers a rare blend of passion for the excitement of teaching coupled with an infectious enthusiasm for the ideas, concepts, and research he helps students encounter and master. Professor Paris regularly receives high ratings from appreciative students for his introductory course in…
  7. October 9, 1995

    FACULTY AWARDS: Sarah Winans Newman, Distinguished Faculty Achievement Award

    A master teacher, internationally recognized scientist in the field of reproductive neuroendocrinology, and a gifted administrator, Sarah Winans Newman is one of those rare individuals capable of combining teaching, research, and administration in an academic career and excelling in all three areas. Since coming to the University 25 years ago, Professor Newman has maintained an…
  8. October 9, 1995

    FACULTY AWARDS: Gayl D. Ness, Distinguished Faculty Governance Award

    Beginning with his election in 1986 to the Senate Assembly, Gayl D. Ness has provided an articulate, reasoned, and balanced voice for faculty in all matters of University affairs. His important contributions to faculty governance were recognized with his election to the Senate Advisory Committee on University Affairs (SACUA) in 1988 and his election as…
  9. October 9, 1995

    FACULTY AWARDS: Laurence A. Goldstein, University Press Book Award

    Laurence A. Goldstein, a perceptive literary critic and poet in his own right, explores the beginning of a little-examined tradition in American verse—poems about the movies—in his book The American Poet at the Movies: A Critical History , published by University of Michigan Press. A lifelong movie lover and a native of Culver City, California—”The…
  10. October 9, 1995

    FACULTY AWARDS: Reynolds Farley, Distinguished Faculty Achievement Award

    A recognized leader among social scientists who study race relations in the United States, Reynolds Farley is among the top echelon of social demographers, a leading authority on the demography of African Americans, and a penetrating and creative analyst of racial and ethnic relations over the past 40 years. His pioneering studies of the causes…