All Headlines

  1. June 25, 1996

    Kirkpatrick, Walton, White to hold named professorships

    The University Record, June 25, 1996 Kirkpatrick, Walton, White to hold named professorships At their June meeting, the Regents approved three faculty as named professors. They are: Diane M. Kirkpatrick, professor of history of art and interim director of the Institute for the Humanities, also will hold the Mary Fair Croushore Professorship of Humanities. The…
  2. June 25, 1996

    Three journalists receive Livingston awards; Peters wins new Clurman Award

    The University Record, June 25, 1996 Three journalists receive Livingston awards; Peters wins new Clurman Award A blue-ribbon panel of print and broadcast journalists has awarded $10,000 Livingston Awards to three young journalists for excellence in local, national and international reporting, and has created a fourth prize honoring the late Richard M. Clurman, one of…
  3. June 25, 1996

    Business and Finance Distinguished Staff nominations due July 15

    The University Record, June 25, 1996 Business and Finance Distinguished Staff nominations due July 15 Nominations for the 1996 Business and Finance Distinguished Staff Awards Program are being accepted for staff members in the Business and Finance Division. Since 1992, the division has honored outstanding staff members who make a difference in their departments by…
  4. June 25, 1996

    Use of Social Security #s by U databases to be phased out by 2002

    The University Record, June 25, 1996 Use of Social Security #s by U databases to be phased out by 2002 In a recent memo to more than 190 U-M deans, directors and department chairs, J. Bernard Machen, provost and executive vice president for academic affairs; Farris W. Womack, executive vice president and chief financial officer;…
  5. June 25, 1996

    Media Union will be a key to state of Michigan’s future

    The University Record, June 25, 1996 Media Union will be a key to state of Michigan’s future U-M chemical engineering lecturer John T. Bell demonstrated Vicher I—one of two virtual reality educational modules he has developed for engineering students—at an open house for the new Media Union on June 21. Using the head-mounted display an…
  6. June 25, 1996

    Registrar’s Office staff win award

    The University Record, June 25, 1996 Registrar’s Office staff win award The staff of the Office of the Registrar has received the Staff of the Year Award from the Michigan Association of Collegiate Registrars and Admissions Officers (MACRAO). The office will display a plaque, and individual staff members received certificates to commemorate their accomplishments. University…
  7. June 25, 1996

    Quinn to direct new program

    The University Record, June 25, 1996 Quinn to direct new program Tim Quinn, president of Northwestern Michigan College in Traverse City for the past seven years, has accepted a new position at the University. Beginning Sept. 1, Quinn will join the new Academic Outreach Program, which was established in late 1995 to extend the U-M’s…
  8. June 25, 1996

    Richards will head College of Pharmacy

    The University Record, June 25, 1996 Regents approve new deans of SNRE, Pharmacy James W. Richards, interim dean of the College of Pharmacy since January, will serve as dean for the next two years beginning July 1. “This appointment will provide continuity and stability within the College for the next two years,” Provost J. Bernard…
  9. June 25, 1996

    U-M Health System, Medical School explain cutbacks, budget differences

    The University Record, June 25, 1996 U-M Health System, Medical School explain cutbacks, budget differences Most of the 541 University of Michigan Health System employees slated to receive reduction-in-force (RIF) notification as part of the system’s $60 million cost reduction plan have been contacted. The U-M Health System includes the seven hospit als; M-CARE, the…
  10. June 25, 1996

    Three U-M schools share $1.5 million endowment

    The University Record, June 25, 1996 Three U-M schools share $1.5 million endowment The Pharmacia & Upjohn Foundation has made a gift of $1.5 million to the University to endow special funds in the Business School, the Medical School and the School of Public Health. This gift is among those that have helped push the…