All Headlines

  1. December 5, 1995

    Unspent grant funds worry federal agencies

    The University Record, December 5, 1995 Unspent grant funds worry federal agencies Several federal agencies have voiced concern that principal investigators (PIs) finished the federal fiscal year without spending a significant portion of grant funds budgeted for FY 95. At issue: the unexpended balances can lead to a reduction by Congress of their annual appropriations…
  2. December 5, 1995

    Graphics unit closes; New procedures Jan. 1

    The University Record, December 5, 1995 After many years serving the research community’s need for technical illustrations, tables, exhibits, displays and other graphic images, the Graphic Services unit of the Division of Research Development and Administration (DRDA) will close down its operations on Dec. 31. Until then, contact Eugene Leppanen or David Oliver at 764-6265…
  3. December 5, 1995

    Barth to give Fauri Lecture Dec. 11

    The University Record, December 5, 1995 Barth to give Fauri Lecture Dec. 11 By Bernie DeGroat News and Information Services Child welfare expert Richard P. Barth will deliver the annual Fedele F. Fauri and Iris M. Fauri Memorial Lecture Series on Child Welfare at 4:30 p.m. Dec. 11 at the Michigan League’s Vandenberg Room. Barth,…
  4. December 5, 1995

    Media wields significant influence on choice of presidential candidates, journalists, pollsters say

    The University Record, December 5, 1995 Media wields significant influence on choice of presidential candidates, journalists, pollsters say By Bernie DeGroat News and Information Services While their views may differ on the quality of media coverage of the presidential nomination process, a panel of pollsters and journalists agree that a great deal of change has…
  5. December 5, 1995

    Michigan Radio tops $200,000 fund-raising goal

    The University Record, December 5, 1995 Michigan Radio tops $200,000 fund-raising goal By Harriet Teller Michigan Radio Saturday, Nov. 11, 7:45 p.m.: It was nearly the 14th hour of the 10th day of Michigan Radio’s fall on-air fund drive, “Building a Dream,” when the financial goal of $200,000 was reached. As promised, station staff stopped…
  6. December 5, 1995

    Recommendations issued for responding to a student’s death

    The University Record, December 5, 1995 Recommendations issued for responding to a student’s death A set of recommendations regarding the ways in which the University should respond to a student’s death has been issued by J. Bernard Machen, provost and executive vice president for academic affairs, and Farris W. Womack, executive vice president and chief…
  7. December 5, 1995

    Live trees prohibited in all U facilities

    The University Record, December 5, 1995 Live trees prohibited in all U facilities With the winter holiday season already in full swing, University units are reminded that the use of natural trees is prohibited in University buildings, according to Robert Patrick, associate director of the Department of Public Safety. “The National Code [National Fire Protection…
  8. December 5, 1995

    Finally! One-stop shopping

    The University Record, December 5, 1995 Finally! One-stop shopping The University Record and the Campus Information Centers (CIC) have combined their efforts to collect information from campus units and groups wishing to publicize their upcoming events. Events that are entered in UMEvents also will be included in the Record’s calendar section as long as they…
  9. December 5, 1995

    Women of Color in the Academy to meet with administrators

    The University Record, December 5, 1995 Women of Color in the Academy to meet with administrators Faculty women of color and other interested individuals are invited to attend “Through My Lens” 2:30-4:30 p.m. Wednesday (Dec. 6) in the Assembly Hall, Rackham Building. The informational program is part of the Women of Color in the Academy…
  10. December 5, 1995

    Standard Practice Guide on-line

    The University Record, December 5, 1995 Standard Practice Guide on-line By Patricia E. Maki Information Technology Division No more heavy binders to haul around. No more wondering whether the copy you have is the most up-to-date. No more loss of trees for the sake of the U-M Standard Practice Guide (SPG). The SPG is now…