All Headlines

  1. February 4, 1997

    Kodo will pound out rhythms at the Power Center

    The University Record, February 4, 1997 Kodo will pound out rhythms at the Power Center The popular drumming troupe Kodo returns to Ann Arbor at 8 p.m. Feb. 24-25 at the Power Center for the Performing Arts. Kodo uses dance, mime and a variety of instruments to their performances, which, according to the New York…
  2. February 4, 1997

    In Brief

    The University Record, February 4, 1997 In Brief… Cancer education program begins this week The Comprehensive Cancer Center and the American Cancer Society will co-sponsor eight “I Can Cope” classes for people with cancer, their families and friends 7-8:30 p.m. Wednesdays, beginning Feb. 5, in the second floor dining rooms, University Hospital. Participants will learn…
  3. February 4, 1997

    Three will read from works in February Visiting Writers Series

    The University Record, February 4, 1997 Three will read from works in February Visiting Writers Series Novelists Lorrie Moore and Jaimy Gordon and poet William Matthews will give free, public readings of their works during the University’s Visiting Writers Series in February. Moore, a professor of English at the University of Wisconsin, will present her…
  4. February 4, 1997

    SPH’s Howe recruits, advertises, promotes — and sings gospel

    The University Record, February 4, 1997 SPH’s Howe recruits, advertises, promotes — and sings gopspel Photo by Joanne Nesbit Since 1993 she has coordinated the Summer Enrichment Program for Minority undergraduate students at the School of Public Health’s (SPH) Department of Health Management and Policy. She recruits, advertises, promotes and handles a thousand details associated…
  5. February 4, 1997

    LS&A’s Paul Freedman juggles it all

    The University Record, February 4, 1997 LS&A’s Paul Freedman juggles it all Photo by Bob Kalmbach Freedman, a GSI in political science, takes the art of juggling teaching, research and personal life literally. CRLT recently focused on the GSI juggling act in a workshop designed to help graduate students balance the demands on their time.…
  6. February 4, 1997

    Films show Asian, Asian American women as stereotypes, panel says

    The University Record, February 4, 1997 Films show Asian, Asian American women as stereotypes, panel says By Anita Chik News and Information Services Mysterious, exotic, sexy, gentle and pretty—all these elements found in the “dragon lady” on films may not always hold true for all Asian women. “Celluloid Images of Asian and Asian American Women,”…
  7. February 4, 1997

    Panelists shared views on activism in time of backlash

    The University Record, February 4, 1997 Panelists shared views on activism in time of backlash By Deborah Gilbert News and Information Services “Activism is what Martin Luther King was all about,” said John H. Matlock, assistant vice provost and director of the Office of Academic and Multicultural Initiatives. And activists were what some 75 students,…
  8. February 4, 1997

    Marable finds discrimination in small, daily acts

    The University Record, February 4, 1997 Marable finds discrimination in small, daily acts By Bernie DeGroat News and Information Services The merchant who drops your change on the sales counter, rather than touch your hand . . . the salesperson who follows you around the store because he or she feels that you may steal…
  9. February 4, 1997

    Units sponsor events featuring chocolate in time to beat February blahs

    The University Record, February 4, 1997 Units sponsor events featuring chocolate in time to beat February blahs Displays of chocolate confections like these from Mae’s Chocolates will tempt the palates of visitors to either of two events Feb. 8 and Feb. 25. Chocoholics and history buffs alike will find something to love at the Matthaei…
  10. February 4, 1997

    Federal support of research threatened, Neidhardt reports

    The University Record, February 4, 1997 Federal support of research threatened, Neidhardt reports Several forces are converging to threaten the nation’s research enterprise, particularly that portion supported by the federal government, Frederick C. Neidhardt, acting vice president for research, told the Regents at their January meeting. “In this climate, the U-M must prepare for the…