All Headlines

  1. February 18, 1997

    Deadline nears for OAMA grants

    The University Record, February 18, 1997 Deadline nears for OAMA grants The application deadline for a Faculty Award for Research and Creative Projects, sponsored by the Office of the Vice Provost for Academic and Multicultural Affairs, is April 1. The awards program is intended to enhance academic excellence and intellectual diversity by supporting the professional…
  2. February 18, 1997

    U-M , Texas researchers discover epilepsy gene in mice

    The University Record, February 18, 1997 U-M , Texas researchers discover epilepsy gene in mice Photo of Meisler By Kristen Lidke Medical Center Public Relations Scientists at the Medical Center, in collaboration with researchers in Texas, have identified a gene in lab mice that may cause petit mal epilepsy—a less severe form of the more…
  3. February 18, 1997


    The University Record, February 18, 1997 OBITUARY: Ross Lee Finney Ross Lee Finney, professor emeritus of music and composer-in-residence emeritus, died at his home in Carmel, Calif., Feb. 4. He was 90. Finney joined the U-M in 1949, and until his retirement in 1974, headed both the Composition Department and a graduate program in composition…
  4. February 18, 1997

    Now happily retired, benefits counselor practiced what she preached

    The University Record, February 18, 1997 Now happily retired, benefits counselor practiced what she preached Sue Lowe knows how to retire. Lowe was communications supervisor in the Benefits Office for four years, and it was part of her job to know what steps to take before retirement and to help people understand how to plan…
  5. February 18, 1997

    It pays to plan ahead for retirement

    The University Record, February 18, 1997 It pays to plan ahead for retirement From the Benefits Office As the February cold and ice drag on, you may begin to dream about golf clubs, warm sand and the free time to do some of the things you have put aside for a number of years. The…
  6. February 18, 1997

    Need it fast, but don’t know how to get it? Check library’s home page

    The University Record, February 18, 1997 Need it fast, but don’t know how to get it? Check Library’s home page You need it and you need it now. But how can you get your hands on it? The U-M Library’s home page probably has the answer. Located at, this electronic guide can help you…
  7. February 18, 1997

    Charlotte Bunch will give 1997 Mullin-Welch Lecture

    The University Record, February 18, 1997 Charlotte Bunch will give 1997 Mullin-Welch Lecture From the Center for the Education of Women Charlotte Bunch, founder and director of the Center for Women’s Global Leadership at Rutgers University and recent Women’s Hall of Fame inductee, will be the Center for the Education of Women 1997 Mullin-Welch Lecturer.…
  8. February 18, 1997

    ‘Super-tasters’ may avoid tart vegetables, fruits that contain cancer preventive compounds, says U-M researcher

    The University Record, February 18, 1997 ‘Super-tasters’ may avoid tart vegetables, fruits that contain cancer preventive compounds, says U-M researcher Elizabeth Oldread, a graduate student in public health and a subject in Prof. Adam Drewnowskiís ësuper-tasterí study, sips PROP, a bitter-tasting compound. About 25 percent of the 400 women in the study had a genetically…
  9. February 18, 1997

    Wiesner Symposium focuses on arts, humanities; opening event in ‘Year of the Humanities and Arts’

    The University Record, February 18, 1997 Wiesner Symposium focuses on arts, humanities; opening event in ‘Year of the Humanities and Arts’ File photo of Daniel Schorr Story by Joanne Nesbit News and Information Services With a 50-year, award-winning career in journalism behind him, Daniel Schorr will take a hard look at the future of the…
  10. February 18, 1997

    U engineers help Corps of Engineers solve harbor problem in Upper Peninsula’s Ontonagon

    The University Record, February 18, 1997 U engineers help Corps of Engineers solve harbor problem in Upper Peninsula’s Ontonagon Civil and Environmental Engineering Prof. Steven Wright (above) works on a scale model of Ontonagon Harbor in the U-M Hydraulics Modeling Laboratory. Elayne Crowe, graduate student in the College of Engineering, and Jim Grueber, undergraduate student…