All Headlines

  1. August 13, 1997

    Secondary school students dig into math and science at Engineering Expo ’97

    The University Record, August 13, 1997 Harald Eberhart, master glassblower in the College of Engineering, demonstrated glassblowing techniques for secondary students at the third annual Summer Engineering Academy Aug. 7. Photo by Bob Kalmbach By Kerry Colligan Last week, 145 high school and middle school students attended the third annual Summer Engineering Academy’s (SEA) Engineering…
  2. July 30, 1997

    Aaron Ward brings Stanley Cup to Mott

    The University Record, July 30, 1997 When it was his turn to hold the Red Wings’ Stanley Cup, defenseman Aaron Ward brought it to Mott Hospital to share with young patients. Ward, left, posed with Krystie Irwin and others for family and media photographers. Photo by Bob Kalmbach
  3. July 30, 1997

    Violence more likely in ‘cultures of honor’

    The University Record, July 30, 1997 By Diane Swanbrow News and Information Services Violence is more likely in “cultures of honor,” communities where status, property and personal safety are protected by a stance of vigilance toward threats and insults. That is why homicide, and especially homicide in the context of arguments, is far more common…
  4. July 30, 1997

    ULAM director is no ‘Sunday driver’

    The University Record, July 30, 1997 Ringler in the U-M’s animal care facility. Photo by Bob Kalmbach By Rebecca A. Doyle If Dan Ringler isn’t making rounds checking on some of the 40,000 animals the University keeps for research and teaching, he may be out making rounds of another sort–around a race track at speeds…
  5. July 30, 1997

    Museum of Art kept kids busy at Art Fairs

    The University Record, July 30, 1997 Olivia Cohn (left) was just one of many who took advantage of the Museum of Art’s activities during the art fairs. Olivia learned string games from Marcia Gaynor, while others preferred the cool and quiet of the Museum itself and listened to Eric Engel’s (below) stories based on myths.…
  6. July 30, 1997

    Research and undergrad education focus of presentation to Board ofRegents

    The University Record, July 30, 1997 As one of the nation’s leading research universities and educational institutions, the University assumes “a special responsibility forensuring that its extensive effort in research, scholarship and creative activity adds value to the education of its undergraduate students,”said Frederick C. Neidhardt, acting vice president for research, at the July Regents’…
  7. July 30, 1997

    Regents Roundup

    The University Record, July 30, 1997 Editor’s Note: The following actions were taken by the Regents at t heirJuly meeting. Renovation projects OK’d The original building systems in the office areas of Medical ScienceBuilding I are no longer capable of maintaining a controlled working environment.Past changes in the space, including the ins tallation of open…
  8. July 30, 1997

    Balance of access, privacy a concern

    The University Record, July 30, 1997 By Theresa Hofer Information Technology Division The explosive growth of electronic networks is forcing university administrators nationwide to perform a delicate balancing act. On one hand is the need for improved access to important data. On the other, the need to protect the privacy of students, faculty and staff.…
  9. July 30, 1997


    The University Record, July 30, 1997 D.E. (Dick) Morley Dourossoff E. (Dick) Morley, professor emeritus of speech pathology, died July 13 in Ann Arbor after a long series of health problems. He was 85. Morley retired from the U-M in 1978 after 30 years on the faculty. At the time of his retirement, he held…
  10. July 30, 1997

    Matthaei Botanical Gardens trails popular

    The University Record, July 30, 1997 While Matthaei Botanical Gardens plans for future expansion and physical improvements, its four trails remain popular with students who study plants and insects and with birdwatchers hoping to spot a newcomer to the area or a long-time resident in the trees, marsh or undergrwoth. Others come just to enjoy…