All Headlines

  1. February 25, 1998

    Faculty Exploratory makes creative computing easy

    The University Record, February 25, 1998 Faculty members at last week’s ‘Searching the Internet’ mini-workshop sponsored by the Faculty Exploratory. The Exploratory, located on the second floor of the Graduate Library, also offers one-on-one help with computing questions and will develop special programs for academic units. Photo by Bob Kalmbach By Jane R. Elgass More…
  2. February 25, 1998

    ER renovation designed to help patients, students

    The University Record, February 25, 1998 By Jane R. Elgass With 36 percent of all hospital admissions coming from the emergency room (ER) at University Hospital, “emergency medicine has evolved from a low-volume, limited access service on the fourth floor of ‘Old Main’ to the ‘front door’ to the Health System,” the Regents were told…
  3. February 25, 1998

    Bookplates offer glimpse of owner

    The University Record, February 25, 1998 Francis Kelsey’s bookplate. By Joanne Nesbit News and Information Services Engaging book jackets are one of a publisher’s many marketing tools. Often the author, title or content will entice a buyer. But the Clements Library occasionally purchases a book because of its bookplate. Volumes with Colonial bookplates that document…
  4. February 25, 1998

    Bolcom’s Symphony No. 6 premieres in Washington

    The University Record, February 25, 1998 Bolcom By Rebecca A. Doyle It’s not unusual for a U-M faculty member to go to Washington, D.C. Faculty are often asked for their opinions or to use their expertise on behalf of the United States. But tomorrow, pianist, composer and U-M music Prof. William Bolcom will be in…
  5. February 18, 1998

    Washington’s letter to his dentist left British chief wondering about tactics

    The University Record, February 18, 1998 Gen. George Washington’s letter to his dentist, Dr. John Baker, in the holdings of the Clements Library. Photo courtesy Clements Library By Joanne Nesbit News and Information Services He had to give up his birthday (Feb. 22) to the official President’s Day, one of the scheduled Monday holidays. And…
  6. February 18, 1998

    Take part in Environmental Theme Semester by conserving paper, energy

    The University Record, February 18, 1998 This year’s theme semester focuses on the environment. Here are some tips to guide you in helping preserve our environment: Don’t leave your computer on overnight or over the weekend. Wait until you are ready to use your computer before turning it on. Turn off your computer if you…
  7. February 18, 1998

    National Conference on ‘Managing Research Integrity’: Technology means arrival of new concerns in scientific integrity

    The University Record, February 18, 1998 Panelists Lawrence Rhoades (at podium), Edward Goldman (seated, from left), Howard Rush, Elaine Brock and Katharine Phillips discussed issues of research integrity that have become more urgent with the increased use of technology in scientific and medical research. Photo by Bob Kalmbach By Rebecca A. Doyle Five panelists discussed…
  8. February 18, 1998

    ‘Spam’ mail bothersome, but difficult to regulate

    The University Record, February 18, 1998 By Rebecca A. Doyle You have 12 new e-mail messages-or 25 or 167, depending on your job at the U-M and how often you check your electronic mailbox-facing you every morning when you boot up your computer. Recently there has been a much greater chance that several of them…
  9. February 18, 1998

    ‘African Sky Tales’ at Exhibit Museum

    The University Record, February 18, 1998 This image illustrates the story ‘Sun, Moon and the Pretty Girl,’ one of five African and African-American sky tales told in the current planetarium program at the Exhibit Museum. By School of Art and Design student Jake Minor, it illustrates the part of the story that tells that the…
  10. February 18, 1998

    ID card signatures deleted from database

    The University Record, February 18, 1998 By Theresa Hofer Information Technology Division “Sign on the dotted line” is being replaced by “sign on the digitized pad” as a growing number of organizations are saving digitized images of their clients’ signatures. At the University, however, the trend is being reversed: digitized signatures from U-M ID cards…