All Headlines

  1. March 25, 1998

    Women of Asian descent sought for study

    The University Record, March 25, 1998 By Jane R. Elgass The School of Nursing is seeking women of Asian descent to participate in a breast cancer screening project. “Breast Cancer Screening Behavior Among Women of Asian Descent” is funded by the University’s Comprehensive Cancer Center. Women of Chinese, Filipino and Korean descent over age 40…
  2. March 18, 1998

    Vaccinating the Health System against the millennium bug

    The University Record, March 18, 1998 Preventing problems in the Health System’s electronic equipment could be a big headache, but personnel in the Health System will prioritize what needs to be taken care of, making sure that anything having to do with life support receives top priority. U-M Photo Services file photo of the emergency…
  3. March 18, 1998

    Environmental sculptor needs your help

    The University Record, March 18, 1998 Dougherty’s works sometimes evoke childhood memories of treehouses. Photo courtesy the artist By Joanne NesbitNews and Information Services It’s an opportunity to invest in a piece of art without spending hundreds of thousands of dollars. It’s an opportunity to relive the excitement of building a childhood fort while working…
  4. March 18, 1998

    Toning up for the future

    The University Record, March 18, 1998 Conference participants were able to learn exercise tips in a session on “Keeping Strong, Healthy and Fit for the Future,” taught by Joanne Lynn. Participants did a 20-minute workout with free weights and watched a video on weight training. Photo by Bob Kalmbach
  5. March 18, 1998

    Today’s imaging machines have exciting potential

    The University Record, March 18, 1998 David Kuhl (left), talked with a reporter after he delivered the Russel Lecture last week, the highest honor the University bestows on a senior faculty member. Photo by Bob Kalmbach By Karen ThomasHealth System Public Relations Aging baby boomers can breathe a bit easier. The 21st century could bring…
  6. March 18, 1998

    30 to participate in Rackham interdisciplinary program this summer

    The University Record, March 18, 1998 By Jane R. ElgassTwenty faculty members and 10 graduate students have been selected to participate in the Rackham Summer Interdisciplinary Institute. One of several initiatives at the Graduate School designed to further campus discussions about interdisciplinary activities, the Institute “provides a forum for faculty and students to engage in…
  7. March 18, 1998

    PEBBLEs help scientists open a window on cell chemistry

    The University Record, March 18, 1998 Transmission electron micrograph showing PEBBLEs in the cytoplasm of a human neuroblastoma cell. Illustration courtesy Raoul Kopelman By Sally PobojewskiNews and Information Services U-M researchers have found a way to monitor changes in the biochemistry of living cells by shooting the cells full of PEBBLEs. Made of polymers, instead…
  8. March 18, 1998

    6 nature writers here as part of ‘Forgotten Language Tour’

    The University Record, March 18, 1998 By Jane R. Elgass Six writers of renown on nature and the environment will be on campus next week when Ann Arbor becomes a stop on the national “Forgotten Language Tour” of The Orion Society. The writers’ visit is part of the Environmental Theme Semester: “Rethinking the Relationship” and…
  9. March 18, 1998


    The University Record, March 18, 1998 Daniel Katz Daniel Katz, professor emeritus of psychology, died Feb. 28 at his home. Born in Trenton, N.J., in 1903, Katz was in his 95th year. Although he had become increasingly frail in recent years, his remarkable intellect and his qualities of character remained unchanged. In these frail years,…
  10. March 18, 1998

    Hang on to your passions

    The University Record, March 18, 1998 Keynote speaker Vanna Novak shared secrets of self-success with her audience at the 16th annual Women of Color Career Conference March 6. Photo by Bob Kalmbach By Jane R. Elgass An audience of more than 900 found itself infused with enthusiasm March 6 when inspirational speaker Vanna Novak delivered…