All Headlines

  1. April 22, 1998

    Trophies chronicle a year of U-M football

    The University Record, April 22, 1998 A portrait of former president and U-M football player Gerald Ford keeps watch over the collection of all the trophies the Wolverines won this year. Photo by Bob Kalmbach
  2. April 22, 1998

    Some people are ‘born to smoke’

    The University Record, April 22, 1998 By Dave Wilkins Health System Public Relations Only about one-third of the teenagers who experiment with tobacco go on to smoke regularly. What makes them different from kids who try a cigarette or two and decide smoking is not for them? Although social factors such as peer pressure undoubtedly…
  3. April 22, 1998

    From the Provost

    The University Record, April 22, 1998 Provost’s Column Provost Nancy Cantor With this brief note, I am pleased to inaugurate a monthly column for faculty and staff. In the future, I expect to use this space to address questions and comments about University matters from the Record’s readers. I urge all of you to send…
  4. April 22, 1998

    New Arthur Miller play to open in New York April 28

    The University Record, April 22, 1998 Miller. Photo courtesy Special Collections Library By Joanne Nesbit News and Information Services President Lee C. Bollinger and his wife, artist Jean Magnano Bollinger, will lead a contingent of U-M supporters to New York City later this month to cheer on a Michigan champion who’s not an athlete–playwright Arthur…
  5. April 22, 1998

    Grads to bring back traditional march

    The University Record, April 22, 1998 The Senior Days ’98 committee has issued an invitation to graduating seniors to meet for breakfast on Elbel Field and walk from there to the May 2 commencement ceremony at Michigan Stadium. A similar march was a tradition in earlier classes, such as the class of 1924, at right.…
  6. April 22, 1998

    Success of Michigan’s mammography quality law has national implications

    The University Record, April 22, 1998 Marilyn Roubidoux, associate professor of radiology, reads mammogram film. Michigan’s standards of mammography have been a model for stricter federal quality standards, which were enacted in October. Photo by Bob Kalmbach By Dave Wilkins Health System Public Relations Michigan’s strict mammography regulations, enacted in 1989 and beefed up in…
  7. April 22, 1998

    Tickets for First Lady’s visit available today

    The University Record, April 22, 1998 Hillary Rodham Clinton’s appearance here April 28 is free and open to the public, but a ticket is required for admission to Hill Auditorium. U-M students will have priority when requesting tickets. Tickets are available today (April 22) through April 27 at the Michigan Union Box Office according to…
  8. April 22, 1998

    Historical Record

    The University Record, April 22, 1998 Professor Alexander Winchell designed Ann Arbor’s octagon house based on Orson S. Fowler’s invention, and built the house on the site where Hill Auditorium was later erected. Photograph and illustration courtesy Bentley Historical Library By Patricia S. Whitesell Did you know that a house shaped like an octagon once…
  9. April 22, 1998

    U-M to track CO2 as part of nationwide AmeriFlux network

    The University Record, April 22, 1998 U-M to track CO2 as part of nationwide AmeriFlux network AmeriFlux tower at Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, Tenn. Photo courtesy D. Baldocchi ‘The Biological Station was selected for the network because it is located on the boundary between the hardwood forests and the boreal [spruce] forests of…
  10. April 22, 1998

    Pilot program funds food waste recycling program

    The University Record, April 22, 1998 Pilot program funds food waste recycling program Waste that is generated during food preparation in U-M residence halls has been recycled as part of a composting pilot program funded by the Washtenaw County Department of Public Works. Photo Services file photo by Bob Kalmbach By Ginger L. Zabel News…