All Headlines

  1. November 16, 2022

    Advisory committee named for Law School dean search

    Provost Laurie K. McCauley has named a 15-member advisory committee in the search for the Law School’s next dean to succeed Mark West.

  2. November 15, 2022

    U-M nets record graduation success rate in NCAA report

    U-M set another school record for its Graduation Success Rate as the NCAA released the 2022 annual GSR and Federal Graduation Rate reports for all NCAA Division I institutions Nov. 15. 

  3. November 15, 2022

    UM-Dearborn looks at class content in effort to boost learning

    Many UM-Dearborn faculty and administrators are engaged in an effort to transition three-credit courses to four credits as part of an effort to increase learning by adjusting class content.

  4. November 15, 2022

    U-M’s efforts helped study abroad programs during pandemic

    According to the annual Open Doors report by the Institute of International Education, 140 U.S. students from U-M participated in education-abroad programs during 2020-21 for academic credit.

  5. November 15, 2022

    Nominations sought for international education award

    The Office of the President is seeking nominations for the 2023 President’s Award for Distinguished Service in International Education. The deadline is Feb. 3, 2023.

  6. November 14, 2022

    UM-Flint unveils transfer student guaranteed admission program

    UM-Flint will offer guaranteed admission to all applicants who have already earned either an associate of arts or associate of science degree from any regionally accredited college or university.

  7. November 14, 2022

    New resources added to ‘Be Kind. Be Well.’ website

    MHealthy’s updated “Be Kind. Be Well.” campaign has downloadable resources that can help serve as fun reminders to think positive thoughts and say kind things to one another. 

  8. November 14, 2022

    President Ono to address Faculty Senate at Nov. 21 meeting

    The Faculty Senate will meet Nov. 21 and feature an address by President Santa J. Ono. It also will include a discussion on whether to expand Senate membership to include clinical faculty and lecturers.

  9. November 14, 2022

    Work begins on U-M’s Inclusive History Project

    Twenty-two members from U-M’s three campuses have joined the committee to frame and design the Inclusive History Project, a multifaceted, years-long effort to study, document and better understand U-M’s history.

  10. November 14, 2022

    Inclusive History Project Framing and Design Committee membership

    The Inclusive History Project’s Framing and Design Committee is led by co-chairs Earl Lewis and Elizabeth Cole.