The Office of the Executive Vice President and Chief Financial Officer is soliciting nominations for the third year of the Distinguished Staff Award Program for Business and Finance employees.
The award, which includes recognition at an awards ceremony and dinner, a plaque and a cash award, recognizes “the indispensable contribution that staff make to the University’s succes, and to support and reward outstanding efforts on the part of individual staff members,” says Farris W. Womack, executive vice president and chief financial officer.
The annual award recognizes staff members’ unusual and exemplary service to the University and outstanding achievements in their work.
Nominees must be regular office, professional/administrative, service maintenance or technical staff members in a department reporting to Womack.
Awards may recognize one or more of the following criteria:
Nominations are invited from all staff, faculty and students.
“We’ve had two successful years of the program and we strongly request and encourage participation,” Womack says.
Award winners will be selected by a committee of seven to nine staff members appointed by Womack that is representative of the various business and finance units and units in other parts of the University served by them. Staff support will be provided by Human Resources/Affirmative Action (HR/AA).
Nomination forms will be reviewed by committee members following a preliminary review by HR/AA support staff, who will review the nominee’s personnel records and verify references identified by nominators.
Nomination forms can be obtained at the following locations: any HR/AA office, Payroll, Cashier’s Office, Plant Business Office and the Office of the Executive Vice President and Chief Financial Officer, 3014 Fleming Administration Building. Nominations are due July 1.