Nine faculty members were given the emeritus title by the Regents at their June meeting. Those retiring are:
Norman E. Barnett,
professor of architecture
Barnett, who joined the U-M architecture faculty in 1967, taught senior and graduate level courses in architectural acoustics and architectural photography. “He was instrumental in the development of the environmental technology undergraduate courses now taught in the College of Architecture and Urban Planning,” the Regents noted. “He has been an important and valuable contributor to the Ph.D. program in architecture and an active member of many departmental, college, and University committees.”
In 1943–55 Barnett was a researcher at the Engineering Research Institute. He then joined the Institute of Science and Technology, working as a research physicist until 1965.
Wilbur E. Bigelow,
professor of materials engineering
Bigelow, who joined the College of Engineering in 1955, is “recognized as an outstanding researcher in the use of electron optical and X-ray diffraction methods in materials research,” the Regents said. “Having published over 80 technical papers during his career, he is now writing a critical textbook in these areas. However, his greatest contributions have been as a teacher.”
Bigelow was director of the Electron Microbeam Analysis Laboratory and director of the J. Donald Hanawalt Laboratory for X-ray Diffraction. He also served as undergraduate program adviser in 1968–1992.
Gerald Gurin, professor of higher
education and research scientist,
Survey Research Center
Gurin joined the School of Education in 1967 and taught courses in research and educational practice, research design and methodology, and academic assessment. He also helped graduate students and faculty with individual research designs and methodologies.
“His 1960 book, Americans View Their Mental Health, became a prototype for examining how people rate their own well-being and how they cope with personal problems,” the Regents said. Prof. Gurin also helped conduct national surveys of African Americans and Hispanic Americans which became prototypes for studying the psychological and policy implications of being members of disadvantaged groups in American society.”
Roger F. Hackett,
professor of history
Hackett joined the U-M in 1961 and served terms as associate chair and chair of the Department of History and director of the Center for Japanese Studies.
“Having been born in Kobe, Japan, and being fluent in Japanese, the study of modern Japanese history was a natural career choice for Prof. Hackett and was one he carried through with distinction,” the Regents said. “In 1967, the Tokyo journal Shokun listed Prof. Hackett as one of America’s five outstanding historians of Japan. A specialist in political modernization and a popular teacher, Prof. Hackett authored a number of articles and essays on modern Japanese political history and leaders.”
Don P. Haefner,
professor of health behavior and health education
Haefner joined the School of Public Health in 1962 and was an assistant dean in 1968–84. “He has served the scientific community well and ably over his long academic career,” the Regents noted.
“He has served as a consultant to the National Institutes of Health, and has been a reviewer for a half-dozen or more important scholarly journals. His research,” they added, “has contributed in a significant way to our understanding of the effect of fear-arousing messages on health behavior. His special achievement has been his unfailing ability to counsel and advise generations of public health students with sensitivity and respect. His students always received encouragement, wisdom, and truth from him.”
Ralph A. Loomis,
professor of English
Prof. Loomis, who joined Michigan in 1953, “has made significant contributions in teaching, publication and service, and has made major contributions to faculty governance, both at the U-M and nationally,” the Regents said. “His efforts in the latter area were recognized in 1987, when he received the Distinguished Faculty Governance Award.”
He was vice-chair of the Senate Advisory Committee on University Affairs, and for more than 30 years served the American Association of University Professors in such capacities as chapter president, president of the Michigan Conference and chair of the National Assembly of State Conferences.
K. Gerald Marsden,
professor of psychology and professor of psychology in psychiatry
Marsden, who joined the faculty in 1967, “has willingly assumed large administrative roles, and has carried out each one with distinction,” the Regents said. He was director of the Counseling Center in 1978–87 and director of the Psychological Clinic beginning in 1983.
“An effective teacher, supervisor and mentor, Prof. Marsden has taught courses in clinical assessment, research methods, and child psychology. His work is broad in scope and covers problems important for society as well as for clinical practice. Further, his breadth and depth of knowledge in child development and adjustment has had a remarkable impact on his students and colleagues.”
Joseph E. Sinsheimer,
professor of medicinal and pharmaceutical chemistry and professor of environmental and industrial health
Sinsheimer came to the U-M in 1960 as associate professor of medicinal and pharmaceutical chemistry. He was promoted to professor in 1969 and was appointed professor of environmental and industrial health in 1980.
“As a faculty member, Prof. Sinsheimer has taught both undergraduate and graduate students. He has mentored 25 Ph.D. students and 11 postdoctoral scholars during the course of his career at the U-M,” the Regents said. “With nearly 100 scientific publications to his credit, Prof. Sinsheimer is best known for his research on fluorescent analytical reagents, the isolation and identification of drug metabolites, and structure-mutagenicity relationships.”
Burton E. Voss,
professor of science education
Voss joined the School of Education in 1963 and taught courses in secondary science methods, research in science teaching, as well as a variety of workshops in biology, chemistry and physical science.
“He has worked extensively with graduate students on their doctoral research, and has served on a variety of committees in the School of Education,” the Regents said. “Prof. Voss has obtained funding from such agencies as the National Science Foundation and the Michigan Department of Education for conducting workshops and seminars in science teaching for teachers in Michigan. His work with teachers both statewide and nationally has been extensive and extremely successful.”