The University Record, February 18, 1997
Need it fast, but don’t know how to get it? Check Library’s home page
You need it and you need it now. But how can you get your hands on it? The U-M Library’s home page probably has the answer. Located at, this electronic guide can help you find whatever it is you need, tell you how to get to where it is housed, and how to find that particular location. From operating hours, maps of the University’s campuses, an alphabetical list of the U-M’s libraries and study areas, to Mirlyn and how to use it, to a glossary of terms frequently used in libraries, this home page has what you need to make the U-M Library work for you.
The Library’s home page offers lists and links to such information as the library’s policies and procedures, copyright information, Web page guidelines, catalogs, indexes and databases and the various collection and subject specialists available to assist patrons. The Newspaper Guide tells you what the Library has available, where it’s from and how far back the series goes. But don’t get overly concerned about the heading “Romance Newspapers,” they’re not of the pulp fiction variety but are publications such as El Mercurio, Le Monde and La Republica.
What you want may be so new that it isn’t even on the shelf yet. The Library’s home page can guide you to the “In Process Locator Service” that can find the elusive new volume, perhaps one of the 100,000 purchased each year by the Library. If what you want isn’t in the Library’s holdings, fill out a book purchase or journal subscription request form, both available through the Library’s home page.
The home page also guides the users to various academic and educational services available to patrons including disabled student services, reference reserve and search services, diversity resources, photoduplication and InterLibrary Loan services.
When you need it and need it now, the Library’s home page appears to be the place to start to find the shortest distance between you and success.