By Sue Lowe
Benefits Office
All faculty and staff who need assistance with the open enrollment worksheet or phone call on the Benefits Enrollment Line (BEL) will be able to get help from the Benefits Office this year.
A comprehensive assistance plan has been developed that incorporates several kinds of informational techniques so that each staff member can feel comfortable. The techniques include written materials, live presentations, hands-on help rooms, a video and a computer diskette.
Materials mailed in this month
The written materials include the normal open enrollment package mailed to faculty and staff members each year in early October. This year the package will contain three pieces of information: a Description of Benefits book, the Reimbursement Accounts Workbook, and an individualized worksheet with each staff member’s particular benefit information.
Staff members who are eligible for the “U-Choose” program also will receive a workbook that explains the flexible benefits program.
Flex-eligible staff members will receive a series of four newsletters mailed in April 1995; July 1995; September 1995; and January 1996. They also will receive a pop-up reminder card warning them of the default benefits for those who don’t call BEL.
Five health fairs—in three Ann Arbor locations, one at Dearborn and one at Flint—will offer live presentations by the two new insurance companies and the legal plan company. Representatives from the health care companies and Benefits Office also will be there for consultation. The times and locations of these fairs can be found in the open enrollment materials. Deans and department directors will receive posters announcing these fairs.
“Help” Rooms Will Assist
The Benefits Office also has designated two “help” rooms, staffed with representatives to assist faculty and staff in completing the enrollment worksheet and the BEL call. The rooms are located in the Wolverine Tower, Suite 18, and at the North Ingalls Building. They will be open 7:30 a.m.–5 p.m. each day during the three weeks of open enrollment.
In addition, the Benefits Office in the Wolverine Tower, Room G405 will be open until 6:30 p.m. on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays during open enrollment. The Benefits Office in the North Ingalls Building will be open until 6 p.m. on those same days.
A video explaining three components of the “U-Choose” program has been sent to each department for faculty and staff members to use. Benefits Office representatives also will be available to speak at meetings arranged by the departments. Departmental deans and directors will receive information for scheduling these meetings.
A computer diskette has been produced that has worksheets for the
“U-Choose” program in Lotus and Excel and is compatible with DOS and Macintosh machines. It is available on request from the Benefits Office.