The University Record, November 19, 1996
Neal says U community is ‘enhanced by living
and learning’ in diverse community
Interim President Homer A. Neal reported to the Regents on the status of the University’s admission programs in light of the current national discussion about affirmative action.
Neal stressed that the University maintains its current position on affirmative action. He said that the U-M “has long valued the maintenance of a diverse student body, including women, underrepresented minorities, and students of other diverse backgrounds and life experiences. It is our abiding conviction that the quality of the educational experience of all students at the University is enhanced by living and learning in such a community.”
Neal said that deans and directors of admissions were asked if, in the admissions process for their schools or colleges, an applicant’s membership in an underrepresented minority group is considered. Those who responded in the affirmative were then asked:
—In making admissions decisions, does your school or college compare minority and nonminority candidates with each other?
—Does your school or college administer goals for admission of underrepresented minority students in a flexible manner? That is, we asked if the goals are used only as desired outcomes for which to strive and not as quotas.
—Are admissions policies and procedures of your school or college intended to create a diverse educational environment?
—Are all students who are admitted to your school or college academically qualified for admission?
Neal said that he is “pleased to report to you that the responses to these questions were ‘yes,’ ” meaning that these units were proceeding “properly, fairly and effectively to serve our mission in the public interest and in compliance with the law.”