A number of faculty members have received Faculty Career Development Awards and Faculty Awards for Research and Creative Projects from the Office of the Vice Provost for Academic and Multicultural Affairs.
The purpose of the research and creative awards program is to support the intellectual, professional and scholarly productivity of African American, Asian/Pacific American, Latino/a (Hispanic) American and Native American faculty in establishing and sustaining an active program of research and scholarship.
The career development award provides funding support to enable recipients to spend uninterrupted time pursuing specific research interests and related scholarly activities.
“Through our collaborations with the Office of the Vice President for Research, the Rackham Graduate School and the International Institute, our Faculty Awards Program has provided the means for faculty to pursue the research and creative activities that continue to place the University of Michigan in the forefront of American higher education,” says Lester P. Monts, vice provost for academic and multicultural affairs.
“I am amazed at the level of research being pursued by our faculty, and I’m pleased that the awards program is proving beneficial in their scholarly and creative endeavors.
“Great demands are placed on minority faculty to serve on committees and mentor students, while still meeting the teaching and research demands of their disciplines,” he adds. “It is my hope that these awards will continue to provide faculty the support needed to maintain a balance between these demands and the responsibilities they have as scholars and artists.”
Award winners and their academic units are:
Career Development Awards:
Richard Allen, Department of Communication Studies; Tomas Almaguer, Department of Sociology/Program in American Culture; Frances Aparicio, Program in American Culture; Arnetha Ball, School of Education; Oscar Barbarin, Clinical Psychology Program; Betty Louise Bell, Program in American Culture; Elaine Chin, School of Education; Oveta G. Fuller, Department of Microbiology and Immunology; Veronica Gregg, Department of English; Juanita Merchant, Department of Internal Medicine; David Moore, School of Business Administration; Gail Nomura, Program in American Culture; Margaret Scisney-Matlock, School of Nursing; Lydia Soo, College of Architecture and Urban Planning; Rei Terada, Department of English.
Awards for Research and Creative Projects
Publication Subvention: Tomas Almaguer; Bunyan Bryant, School of Natural Resources and Environment; Billy J. Evans, Department of Chemistry.
Supplementary Stipends for Fellowships and Sabbaticals: Ruby Beale, Department of Psychology/Center for the Education of Women; Oscar Barbarin; Teshome Wagaw, School of Education; Rafia Zafar, Department of English/Center for Afroamerican and African Studies.
Interdisciplinary and Collaborative Research: Billy J. Evans; Kevin Ferguson, Department of Surgery; Mathew Whittico, College of Pharmacy.
Seed Funding for Research: Ruby Beale; Eduardo Bonilla-Silva, Department of Sociology/Center for Afroamerican and African Studies; Bunyan Bryant; Elaine Chin; Ramon M. Esclamado, Department of Otolaryngology; Kevin Ferguson; Caroline Gaither, College of Pharmacy; Siew-Ging Gong, School of Dentistry; Janet Hart, Department of Sociology; Andrea Hunter, Department of Psychology; Sofia Merajver, Medical School; Ivette Perfecto, School of Natural Resources and Environment; Nair Rodriguez-Hornedo, College of Pharmacy; JoEllen Shively, Department of Sociology; Milagros Simmons, School of Public Health; Mathew Whittico.
Hosting Visiting Scholars and Artists: James Chaffers, College of Architecture and Urban Planning; Margarita de la Vega-Hurtado, Latina/o Studies Program; Joan Durrance, School of Information and Library Studies; Victor En Yu Tan, School of Music; Patricia Gurin, Department of Psychology.
Co-Sponsoring Symposia, Conferences, Workshops: Frances Aparicio; Billy J. Evans; Sewon Kang, Department of Dermatology; Willis Patterson, School of Music; James Standifer, School of Music.
Improvement of Teaching: Integrating Multicultural Scholarship in the Curriculum: Elsa Barkely Brown, Department of History; Billy J. Evans; Miguel Guilarte, Department of Sociology; Cheryl Killion, School of Nursing; Lorna McDaniel, School of Music; Willis Patterson.
Travel Grant: Michel DeGraf, Department of Linguistics; Grand Farred, Center for Afroamerican and African Studies; Mohammad Ghaziuddin, Department of Psychiatry; Amit Ghosh, College of Engineering; Lemuel Johnson, Department of English; Sumit Majumdar, School of Business Administration; Vonnie McLloyd, Department of Psychology/Center for Human Growth and Development; N. Frank Ukadike, Department of Communication Studies; Karen Walwyn, School of Music; Rafia Zafar.
Initiatives for Intellectual Exchange among Faculty, Students and the University Community: Elizabeth Allen, School of Nursing; Elsa Barkley Brown; Billy J. Evans; Earl Lewis, Center for Afroamerican and African Studies; Willis Patterson.
Research Assistance: Keletso Atkins, Center for Afroamerican and African Studies; Elsa Barkely Brown; Rashid Bashshur, Department of Health Behavior and Health Education; Ruby Beale; Bonnie Bell, Department of English; Eduardo Bonilla-Silva, Department of Sociology/Center for Afroamerican and African Studies; Betty Brown-Chappell, School of Social Work; Bunyan Bryant; Elaine Chin; Kevin Ferguson; Clifford Larkins, Division of Kinesiology; Stephen Lee, Department of Chemistry; Earl Lewis; Sumit Majumdar; Lorna McDaniel, School of Music; Vonnie McLloyd; Susan Montgomery, College of Engineering; David Moore, Division of Kinesiology; Milagros Simmons; Stephen Sumida, Department of English; Teshome Wagaw; Mathew Whittico.
The deadline for the next round of competition for two awards is Nov. 1. Details may be found in the adjacent box. For information, forms and consultation, contact Jacina Davis in the Office of the Vice Provost for Academic and Multicultural Initiatives, 763-8123.