The University Record, February 27, 1996
Miller to hold Townsend Professorship in Communication Disorders
Josef M. Miller, professor of otorhinolaryngology and director of the Kresge Hearing Research Institute, also will hold the Lynn and Ruth Townsend Professorship of Communication Disorders.
The appointment, effective Feb. 16, was approved by the Regents at their February meeting.
“This professorship was established last year through a most generous gift from Lynn and Ruth Townsend, as well as contributions from the James and Lynelle Holden Fund, the National Organization for Hearing Research, and other funding efforts,” said Giles G. Bole, dean of the Medical School. “It is intended for this professorship to support researc h being conducted at this institution on sudden hearing loss and the autoimmune basis for this disorder.
“Dr. Miller’s outstanding research accomplishments and his leadership of the Kresge Hearing Research Institute have attracted investigators in the disciplines of bioengineering, physiology, immunochemistry, histopathology, pharmacology, psych ology and behavioral sciences. On a national level, he has played a prominent role in science administration.
“An investigator with internationally recognized expertise in hearing disorders, Dr. Miller has distinguished himself through his service to individuals who are hearing impaired.”
Miller joined the faculty in 1984.