By Harriet Teller
Michigan Radio
Michigan Radio’s award-winning program “Remnants,” a Holocaust remembrance, will be broadcast at 8 p.m. April 20 and 12:30 p.m. April 23.
“Remnants” was awarded an honorable mention in the 18th Annual National Commendation Awards of the Foundation of American Women in Radio and Television.
The Michigan Radio Theatre production of “Remnants” was created specifically to be broadcast during the months of Holocaust remembrance, traditionally April and May.
In 1992, the program was syndicated to public radio stations nationwide and heard in 30 states. A number of additional stations plan to air “Remnants” this year. Cassettes of the broadcast have been requested by school systems, religious groups and Holocaust education projects across the country.
“Remnants” is based on memories and reflections that Holocaust survivors shared with Hank Greenspan during 15 years of conversations. Greenspan is a lecturer in clinical psychology, Residential College.
“The reflections voiced in ‘Remnants,’” Greenspan notes, “are in general not what survivors tend to share in public presentations. Rather they are what survivors say only after personal trust and confidence can be established. This is part of what gives the monologues their particular authenticity and immediacy. They are personal stories, told between friends, at moments of special clarity and candor,” he adds.