Michigan Quarterly Review features essays, poetry, fiction and reviews

The works of nearly 20 scholars and writers are featured in the spring 1994 edition of Michigan Quarterly Review (MQR) . Published by the U-M, MQR contains essays, poetry, fiction, memoirs, reviews and graphics.

U-M contributors are Gorman L. Beauchamp, associate professor of humanities and adjunct associate professor of English, who reviews John Gross’ Shylock: A Legend and Its Legacy; James G. Hynes, assistant professor of English and post-doctoral scholar of the Michigan Society of Fellows, who presents an excerpt from his novel-in-progress about Jacob Roggeveen, the European discoverer of Easter Island;

William I. Miller, professor of law, who writes an essay on social ineptitude and embarrassment; and J. Allyn Rosser, assistant professor of English, who writes poetry on Elvis and lizards.

Others whose works appear include

Daniel Mark Epstein, Jaimy Gordon, Colin Hamilton, Joanne Jacobson, Roger Wilkins and William Julius Wilson.

The spring 1994 edition of MQR is available in local bookstores and in the MQR office in Room 3032, Rackham Building. For information, call 764-9265.


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