Michigan Bell has made a pledge of $250,000 to the Campaign for Michigan to support construction of the Engineering Center building on North Campus.
The new building, estimated to cost $15 million, will house student services, including admissions, records, counseling, career planning and placement, and a variety of other support services. The College of Engineering currently does not have a facility that can serve as a center for students and faculty, particularly the College’s 4,500 undergraduates. The new building also will provide space for the Department of Industrial and Operations Engineering.
“Michigan Bell has been generous in helping the University,” said Dean Peter M. Banks. “This gift to the Campaign for Michigan helps move us closer to the day we can begin construction of our new Engineering Center, which will be an important asset to the educational experience of engineering students at Michigan.”
Michigan Bell President Robert Hurst Jr., noting Michigan Bell’s commitment to public education, said: “We are confident that our investment in Michigan’s engineering program will prove beneficial to the state and the nation.”
Michigan Bell has contributed more than $1 million to the U-M.