Medical School dean search committee set

Provost Teresa Sullivan and Executive Vice President for Medical Affairs Dr. Robert Kelch have announced the members of the Search Advisory Committee for the dean of the Medical School.

Dr. Janet Gilsdorf, professor of pediatrics and communicable diseases and of epidemiology, School of Public Health (SPH), and Dr. David Ginsburg, professor of internal medicine and genetics and research professor in the Life Sciences Institute, have agreed to serve as chair and co-chair, respectively.

“We are seeking a leader with national stature and strong academic credentials who will lead the faculty, uphold the high reputation of our Medical School, continue to strengthen relationships between components of the Health System, and continue to strengthen and build collaborations across the campus and beyond. The school’s history is rich and the successes of its faculty are widely recognized, thus enhancing our ability to name an excellent dean, Sullivan and Kelch wrote in a memo to campus.

In addition to Gilsdorf and Ginsburg, other members of the committee include:
• Barbara Wagner, administrative specialist, Office of the Provost and Executive Vice President for Academic Affairs;
• Marge Calarco, senior associate director of patient care and chief of nursing services, and associate dean for clinical affairs, School of Nursing;
• Tom Campbell, director, Health System Contracting;
• Sally Camper, chair, Department of Genetics and professor of internal medicine;
• Dr. Jim Carpenter, chair and associate professor of the Department of Orthopaedic Surgery;
• Dr. Kim Eagle, clinical director of the Cardiovascular Center and professor of internal medicine;
• Doug Engel, chair and professor of cell and developmental biology;
• Priya Gopwani, Medical Student Council president;
• Dr. Marc Lippman, chair and professor of the Department of Internal Medicine, professor of pharmacology;
• Barbara MacAdam, librarian and head of reference and instruction, University Library, and member of the Senate Advisory Committee on University Affairs;
• Terrence McDonald, dean of LSA and professor of history;
• Dr. Michael Mulholland, chair and professor of the Department of Surgery;
• Dr. Lori Pierce, associate provost for academic and faculty affairs and professor of radiation oncology;
• Dr. Jonathan, professor of ophthalmology and visual sciences, neuro-ophthalmology and professor of neurosurgery;
• Kenneth Warner, dean and professor in SPH;
• Dr. Max Wicha, director of the U-M Cancer Center and professor of medicine; and
• Marilynn Paine, assistant vice president for medical affairs.

Recommendations for the committee may be sent to Barb Wagner, [email protected].


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