M-Quality report available for review by U community

Editor’s Note: This is the first in a series of articles about M-Quality. Future articles will explore the underlying principles of the M-Quality approach, the rationale for the University’s interest in M-Quality, a look at quality teams already at work, and information on the experiences of other research universities. Comments on these articles by Record readers will help shape this series and are welcomed.

As noted in the July 20 Record, the report titled “M-Quality: Pursuing Continuous Improvement at The University of Michigan” has been mailed to deans, directors and department chairs. It has received the endorsement and strong support of the M-Quality Council, which will provide oversight and guidance for the University’s quality approach.

Members of the University community who wish to obtain a copy of the report may do so via the MTS message system by addressing their request to MQR. Those not on the U-M system may send requests to [email protected]. Copies of the report also may be obtained from Robert B. Holmes, assistant vice president for academic affairs, 3056 Fleming Administration Building 1340, 764-3185.

Calling the report “extraordinarily useful and thought-provoking,” the Council extends an invitation to members of the University community to read the report and discuss it.

In making this request, the Council calls particular attention to four principles included in the report—managing by fact, respecting people and ideas, satisfying those we serve, and pursuing continuous improvement.

The Council notes that there has been a long tradition of continuous improvement in the University as efforts are made to renew and improve research and teaching. The Council also strongly believes that the four principles will support and enhance the University’s efforts to become a more diverse and inclusive community.

Each member of the Council will consider the meaning and relevance of the four principles to the work that they do and their interactions with others, and will encourage members of the University community to consider the principles in terms of their own work. Although the principles may be understood differently in various parts of the University, it is hoped that the reactions to them will help further define and shape them in the future.

Since one of the key principles of the M-Quality approach is “pursuing continuous improvement,” Council members believe that the M-Quality approach should continue to evolve over time as the University gains more experience with it and as reactions to it are received and discussed. Members of the University community are encouraged to consider the report an initial planning document that identifies the University’s early plans and aspirations, a document that will evolve and change as reactions to it are received and as the M-Quality approach is evaluated over time.


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