M-Quality is now on GOpherBLUE

If attending the M-Quality Expo later this week whets your appetite and you want to find out more about this initiative, check out GOpherBLUE. M-Quality news can be found in the Gopher folded titled University of Michigan and Ann Arbor.

Among the information available:

—The M-Quality Expo. Descriptions of all the exhibits and presentations.

—Teams and Activities. Information on many of the quality improvement teams and other M-Quality initiatives under way.

—What Is M-Quality? A general description of M-Quality, its principles and activities, as well as some information on M-Quality tools that can be useful in daily work activities.

—Library Resources. A comprehensive listing of books, articles and videos on the topic of quality improvement. The listing of books and articles have key words noted, making it easy to find specific topics.

—Class information. Descriptions of the M-Quality courses offered by Human Resource Development.

—Steering Committee and CCI. Membership lists of the University’s Council on Continuous Improvement and its Steering Committee.

—-Record Articles. Previous Univer-sity Record articles on M-Quality.

The M-Quality Gopher server is continually evolving and expanding. Those with questions about the M-Quality meni on gopher should contact Paula Sossen, [email protected].


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