Before the U-M Library buildings closed in response to the COVID-19 pandemic, Shapiro Design Lab Director Justin Schell brought home the lab’s 3-D printer and filament, thinking he could put it to good use.
He was right.
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Schell and others in the area are using 3-D printers in their homes to print headbands for face shields in response to shortages of personal protective equipment in health care facilities.
Kevin Leeser, a registered nurse, started Operation Face Shield Ann Arbor, which has donated more than 5,000 shields to organizations around the Ann Arbor area.

“There is a large network of folks able to assist, even from behind a computer,” Schell said.
Czech 3-D printer company Prusa created and shared face shield designs, and the community worked together to adapt the files so the surfaces of the shields are cleaner and so the pegs that attach the shield to headgear can be punched with a standard three-hole punch, making them easier to assemble and quicker to use in the American context.
Schell said it takes him about an hour and a half to print one headband. The amount of printing time depends on the printer and materials being used. With necessary troubleshooting and calibration, he says he’s able to print six to eight a day.
But he’s just one of dozens in the area who are printing. He’s also working with others to evaluate various designs, looking for ways to reduce print time and material used, and generally optimize the process without sacrificing quality.
After printing the headbands, Schell drops them off at Maker Works in Ann Arbor, where they are disinfected and attached to a transparent shield. Then they are given to Operation Face Shield, which passes them on to its distribution network, or given back to U-M at Michigan Medicine’s dropoff site in the North Campus Research Complex.
Schell has also reached out to library peers in other cities, like Philadelphia, to connect them with makerspaces in their areas so they can work on similar projects locally.
“Since I can only print out one every hour and a half, if that, there are other ways that I can connect and contribute,” Schell said.
Right now, the community feels that they’re just bridging the gap of a much greater need. They’re working to connect to groups with ties to larger manufacturers, hoping factories can be retooled to produce these pieces at a larger scale.
They’re continuing to print and donate, and waiting to lend their resources and expertise to other projects that may arise in response to the COVID-19 pandemic.
Note: U-M employees are encouraged to consult with the Department of Environment, Health and Safety before bringing equipment like 3-D printers home with them. EHS developed guidelines that apply to all U-M employees, students and visitors who use 3-D printers and other pieces of electronic equipment that have the potential to create high heat levels, fire hazards, elevated levels of particulate matter or hazardous fumes during operation. Please refer to these guidelines for more information.