The University Record, January 21, 1997
Learn about the University at Wednesday Workshops
Two upcoming brown-bag lunch workshops will help you understand more about the University and its services. Scheduled 12:10-1 p.m. most Wednesdays during winter term, upcoming sessions include: an introduction to the programs and services of the Office of the Vice President for Student Affairs, Wed. (Jan. 22), in the Conference Room, 6015 Fleming Bldg.; and a Financial Planning Primer with Rodger Wolf on Jan. 29, also in the Conference Room, 6015 Fleming Bldg. Wolf will explain University benefits and give an overview of retirement programs. Bring your lunch and your questions and learn more about the University. Call Beth Adler, 763-5925, at least a week in advance of the sessions you plan to attend, or send e-mail to [email protected].