Bradford wins career development award
Carol Rossier Bradford, associate professor of otorhinolaryngology, has won a Clinical Research Career Development Award from the American Society of Clinical Oncology. Recipients are young, full-time faculty members who have completed significant post-doctoral research and are dedicated to careers in clinical oncology research. Bradford will receive an annual grant of $52,000 for three years.
Gillespie wins adviser award
Thomas D. Gillespie, research scientist in the Transportation Research Institute, has received the Society of Automotive Engineers’s (SAE) Outstanding Faculty Adviser Award for his hard work and dedication in working with the U-M SAE student chapter.
Nelda Mercer honored by Michigan Dietetic Association
Nelda Mercer, head dietician at MedSport, has won the Public Relations Award of the Year from the Michigan Dietetic Association. The “High-Fit, Low-Fat” supermarket promotion program was judged superior in creativity, scope and its impact on consumers. The program also led to the development of a special low-fat muffin mix that will soon be available to supermarket bakeries nationwide.
Engineering honors 3 for teaching
Nikolaos D. Katopodes, associate professor of civil and environmental engineering; Perry J. Samson, professor of atmospheric, oceanic and space sciences; and Elliott Soloway, associate professor of electrical engineering and computer science, are the 1994 recipients of the College of Engineering’s Teaching Excellence Award.