MartinusVeltman honored

by European Physical Society

Martinus J. Veltman, the John D. MacArthur Professor of Physics, has been awarded the 1993 High Energy and Particle Physics Prize of the European Physical Society.

McVaugh book recognized

Rogers McVaugh, curator emeritus of vascular plants and professor emeritus of botany, has received the Luz Maria Villarreal de Puga Medal for Excellence in Biology from the University of Guadalajara, Mexico. McVaugh was honored for Flora Novo-Galiciana, a multivolume description of the plants of the region around Guadalajara.

Glick receives funding from NSF, Cancer Society

Gary D. Glick, assistant professor of chemistry, is one of 20 chemists nationwide to receive 1993 National Science Foundation (NSF) Young Investigators awards. He also has received a three-year $90,500 grant from the American Cancer Society.

Townsend receives award from American Chemical Society

Leroy B. Townsend, the Albert B. Prescott Professor of Medicinal Chemistry and professor of chemistry, has received the 1993 Smissman Bristol-Myers Squibb Award from the American Chemical Society. The award is one of the highest and most prestigious awarded by the 20,000-member group.

Mims-Hickmon elected chair of national commission

Jackie Mims-Hickmon, coordinator for residence education at West Quadrangle, has been elected to serve a two-year term as chair of Commission III-Student Residence Programs, one of 18 national working groups of the American College Personnel Association.

National group honors Papazian

Dennis R. Papazian, professor of history and director of the Armenian Research Center at U-M-Dearborn, has received the Arthur H. Dadian Armenian Heritage Award from the Armenian Students’ Association of America. The award recognizes Papazian’s “significant contributions to the preservation and presentation of the rich Armenian cultural heritage to the world community.”

Gurnis receives medal from American Geophysical Union

Michael C. Gurnis, associate professor of geological sciences, has won the James B. Macelwane Medal, which “recognizes significant contribution to the geophysical sciences by a young scientist of outstanding ability.” It was presented by the American Geophysical Union. Gurnis is credited for contributions to understanding the mixing of the Earth’s mantle, the influence of Earth’s plates on mixing, flow and subduction in the mantle.

Rosenberg edits book

Social Dimensions of Soviet Industrialization, edited by William G. Rosenberg and Lewis H. Siegelbaum, has been published by the Indiana University Press. Rosenberg is professor of history.

Battle Creek School District names Bole Outstanding Alumnus

The Lakeview School District Board of Education, Battle Creek, has named Medical School Dean Giles G. Bole its 1993 Outstanding Alumnus.

Cinda-Sue Davis serves on national women’s group

Cinda-Sue Davis, director of the Women in Science Program at the Center for the Education of Women, has been elected to the national board of the Women In Engineering Program Advocates Network. The 3,000-member organization works to initiate or expand college and university programming designed to increase the number of young women pursuing engineering careers.

Award recognizes book by Grese

Robert E. Grese, associate professor of natural resources, has received the 1993 Illinois Preservation Award from the Landmarks Preservation Council of Illinois for Jens Jensen: Maker of Natural Parks and Gardens. “Prof. Grese’s book makes an outstanding contribution to the understanding of Jens Jensen’s work and to the growing field of landscape preservation,” the council noted.


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