ITD urges staff, faculty to keep track of computing funds

The University Record, January 21, 1997

ITD urges staff, faculty to keep track of computing funds

On Jan. 6, the Information Technology Division (ITD) began requiring a sufficient balance in order to use UMCE (U-M Computing Environment) services. Those services affected include IMAP/POP, e-mail, file storage on IFS, login service, statistics and computation service, Lotus Notes, Confer U, dial-in access, and printing at the Campus Computing Sites.

A $10 allocation is provided for each Ann Arbor campus faculty, regular staff member and for registered students. However, some may be subscribing to services without remembering they have done so, and others may simply be using more than the allocated amount.

ITD estimates that there are approximately 3,500 faculty, staff and students on the Ann Arbor campus who have used up their allocation and will need to make arrangements to fund their UMCE computing needs. Of those numbers, more than 900 are students who have already been contacted by e-mail about the situation. Another 2,600 faculty and staff may be affected, but ITD officials emphasize that although the number of staff and faculty who are currently using more than their allocation remain fairly stable, individual computer users may fall in and out of the overdrawn category very quickly, depending on their computing use.

To find current account status, ITD suggests that those with the capability access the ITD web page, URL and click on the area marked “Managing your UMCE.” A user out of funds or without WorldWide Web access can call the ITD Accounts Office, 764-8000.

How much does it cost?

Here is an abbreviated price list for UMCE services. For a complete listing and full details visit the ITDweb at URL:


Commonly requested subscription services:

IMAP/POP e-mail: $0.50 per month. Use of Pine e-mail requires a subscription to IFS and either the login service or the statistics and computation service.


ITD login service: $1.00 per month. Login service requires a subscription to the Institutional File System (IFS).


ITD statistics and computation service: $4.50 per month. Requires a subscription to the Institutional File System (IFS).


File Space (IFS): $0.09/megabyte per month (5 megabyte min.—$0.45)


Confer U for participants: $0.35 per month (1 megabyte)


Confer U for Organizers: $1.75 per month (5 megabytes)


Lotus Notes for Participants: $3 per month


Lotus Notes for Organizers: $5 per month (5 megabyte min.)


Access to U-M Online content: $0.16 per month


Commonly requested metered services (pay per use):

Printing: $0.08 per side of page


Dial-in access: $4.40 minimum monthly subscription charge

Prime Time (5-11 p.m.): $0.44

Daytime (6 a.m.-5 p.m.): $0.22

Economy Time (11 p.m.-6 a.m.): $0.11.


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