Douvan will present Russel Lecture Tuesday
The 1994 Henry Russel Lecture will be delivered by Elizabeth M. Douvan, the Catharine Neafie Kellogg Professor of Psychology and Women’s Studies, at 4 p.m. Tues. (March 15) in Rackham Amphitheater. The Russel lectureship is the highest honor the University gives to a senior faculty member.
Douvan will discuss “Marriage, Collaboration, and the Politics of Identity.”
Preceding the lecture, this year’s Henry Russel Award, given to junior faculty members, will be presented to Stephen Lee, associate professor of chemistry.
The Russel lectureship and the Russel Award were established in 1925 with a bequest from Henry Russel of Detroit, who received three degrees from the U-M.
Neal seeks nominations for new ISR director
Nominations of individuals to direct the Institute for Social Research (ISR) are due March 21. The new director will succeed Robert B. Zajonc.
In a letter to U-M colleagues last week, Vice President for Research Homer A. Neal invited “suggestions of current or previous members of the faculty who are or have been affiliated with the Institute, or other individuals with close knowledge of the University and ISR.”
He also indicated that he is “particularly concerned that women and minorities be made aware of this opportunity.”
A faculty committee, chaired by Frederick C. Neidhardt, associate vice president for research, will evaluate nominations and make recommendations to Neal.
Other members of the committee are Christopher Achen (political science), Albert Cain (psychology), John Chamberlin (LS&A/political science), Paul Courant (economics/Institute for Public Policy Studies), Jacquelynne Eccles (psychology/ISR/education), Harold Johnson (President’s Office/social work), Thomas Juster (economics/ISR), Arlene Saxonhouse (political science), Laurie Staples (ISR) and Arland Thornton (sociology/ISR).
Nominations should be sent to Patricia S. Whitesell (staff for the committee), Office of the Vice President for Research, 4071 Fleming Administration Building 1340, or via e-mail to [email protected].
Traveling overseas? Save money under University’s agreement with Delta
The University has modified its agreement with Delta Air Lines to allow for rebates on international travel. Effective immediately, faculty and staff members traveling on University business may use a charge card, check, or purchase order as a form of payment. Rebates will be applied directly to the internal University account after completion of the trip.
Following are important features of the program:
A complete list of U-M-Designated Travel Agencies, including phone and facsimile numbers, and e-mail addresses, can be found in GOpherBLUE under “U of Michigan”/ “Purchasing and Auxiliary Services”/ “Travel Services” section. For assistance in locating travel information in GOpherBLUE, call 764-HELP.
Reading of Oleanna kicks off next Rackham ‘Conversation’
A University reading of David Mamet’s play Oleanna will be the starting point of the next Rackham Conversation on Academic Priorities program titled “Learning from Oleanna.”
The rehearsed reading begins at 4 p.m. Wed. (March 16) in the Power Center for the Performing Arts. Refreshments will be served in Assembly Hall, Rackham Bldg., following the performance.
A panel discussion, using Oleanna as a case study to explore the ways in which power is distributed and abused in a university setting, begins at 6 p.m. in Rackham Amphitheater.
AAUP analyzing budget
A report from the Budget Study Committee of the U-M Chapter of the American Association of University Professors (AAUP) will be reviewed at the AAUP meeting at noon Thurs. (March 17) in the Michigan Room, Michigan League. Copies of the written report, which analyzes growth in expenditures and tuition at the U-M, will be available at the meeting.
Marc Cogan of Wayne State University and chair of the Task Force on Budgets of the Michigan Conference of AAUP, will comment on the report.
For the record …
The phone number for the Department of Economics is 764-2355. The number was published incorrectly in the March 7 issue in an announcement about a lecture by Paul Milgrom, professor of economics at Stanford University. Milgrom will speak at 4 p.m. Thurs. (March 17) in Room 201, Lorch Hall.
Photographer Jennifer Esser took the photograph of the delivery of the 25-foot canoe to the Exhibit Museum. The photograph appeared on page 12 of the March 7 Record.
PowerPC will be demonstrated
A hands-on demonstration of PowerPC will be held 1–5 p.m. March 21 in the Instructional Technology Laboratory, Room 1712, Chemistry Bldg. Try out the PowerPC operating system as well as HyperCard 2.2, QuickTime (digital video) and word processing, spreadsheet and database applications.
Apple representatives will be on hand to answer questions. The demonstration is sponsored by the Information Technology Division and Apple Computer.
Top of the i coffee shop open 7 a.m.–4:30 p.m.
The Top of the i coffee shop, located on the sixth floor of the Institute for Social Research Bldg., is open to the public 7 a.m.–4:30 p.m. weekdays. The coffee shop offers a salad bar, hot soups, gourmet and regular coffees, pastries, bagels, soda pop and juice, sandwiches and a hot lunch entree from the University Club.
Anthropologist will lecture
Maurice Godelier, professor of anthropology at the Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales since 1975, is in residence at the Institute for the Humanities this week.
Godelier will discuss “Body, Kinship and Powers Among the Baruya of New Guinea” 4–6 p.m. Tues. (March 15) in Room 1524, Rackham Bldg., and “Sexuality and Society” 4–6 p.m. Fri. (March 18) in Room 4560, LS&A.
Concerts feature students’ work
The School of Music Dance Department will present the Master of Fine Arts Thesis Concert Series I at 8 p.m. March 17–19 and Series II at 8 p.m. March 24–26 in the Betty Pease Studio (A) Theatre.
Undergraduate Renee Grammatico and graduate students Tom Morris, Donna Pisani, Samantha Shelton, Katherine Hoffmann and Amanda Stanger will present their thesis work in two concerts that will explore a range of choreographic and performance styles.
Tickets, $5, are available at the door. The box office opens at 7 p.m.
Philosopher will lecture on identity, integrity, authenticity
Bernard Williams, the White’s Professor of Moral Philosophy at Corpus Christi College, Oxford, will give a public lecture at 4 p.m. Thurs. (March 17) in the East Conference Room, Rackham Bldg. His topic: “Identity, Integrity and Authenticity.”
Williams wrote Ethics and Limits of Philosophy, Moral Luck and Shame and Necessity. In 1988 he wrote and presented a three-part TV series “What is Truth?”
The lecture is sponsored by the Institute for the Humanities and the Department of Philosophy.
Social workers sponsor health care reform seminar
A free seminar on “Health Care Reform: Social Work Stepping into the Future” will be held 8 a.m.–noon Thurs. (March 17) in the Ford Amphitheater, University Hospital. Lee Zacharias, associate director of the American Hospital Association, will give the keynote speech, which will be followed by a panel discussion.
The forum, which coincides with National Social Work Month, is sponsored by the departments of social work at the Medical Center and the Ann Arbor Veterans Administration Medical Center. For information, call 763-3217 or 936-5511.
Pharmacy seminar looks at biotechnological therapies
The College of Pharmacy’s spring seminar “Biotechnological Therapies: Present and Future” will be held April 8 at the Sheraton Inn, near Briarwood Mall. The program, which begins at 8:45 a.m., will cover the technology of biotech drugs, gene therapy and an update on erythropoietin and biologic response modifiers.
To register, call the College’s continuing education office, 764-8053.
Next ‘You Can Quit!’ will be held March 16
The University Health Service’s (UHS) one-hour motivational program “You Can Quit!” will be held noon–1 p.m. Wed. (March 16) in Room 309, UHS.
Participants will be given information on how to quit smoking, how to cope with urges, how to prevent weight gain, the use of nicotine gum and the positive effects of quitting.
To pre-register, call 763-1320.
Sign up now for Bill Freehan Michigan Baseball Camp
The Bill Freehan Michigan Baseball Camp will be held this summer at Fisher Stadium baseball complex. Commuter camp, $215, will meet June 20–24. Two live-in camps, each $275, are scheduled June 26–29 and July 10–13. For information, a brochure and application, call 747-4579.
Davis, Markert, Nickerson Lecture scheduled March 21
Walter P. Metzger, emeritus professor of history at Columbia University, will give the fourth annual Davis, Markert, Nickerson Lecture on Academic and Intellectual Freedom at 4 p.m. March 21 in Rackham Amphitheater.
In conjunction with the lecture, the video “Keeping in Mind” will be shown at 7 p.m. Sun. (March 20) in Angell Hall. The three former U-M professors for whom the lecture is named are expected to attend an American Association of University Professors’ meeting at noon March 21 in the Michigan Room, Michigan League.
Program celebrates career, retirement of Rosemary Sarri
To celebrate the career and retirement of Prof. Rosemary Sarri, the School of Social Work will host a reception and lecture in her honor 3–6 p.m. Wed. (March 16) in the Vandenberg Room, Michigan League.
Josefina Figuera-McDonough, professor of social work at Arizona State University, will give a paper titled “Expendable Children.” A panel discussion and reception will follow. A scholarship fund also has been established in honor of Sarri. For information, call 764-5331.
Panel will look at autos, safety and environmental responsibility
A panel discussion titled “The Automotive Industry: The Road to Safety and Environmental Responsibility” will be held 8:30 a.m.–12:30 p.m. Fri. (March 18) at Hale Auditorium, School of Business Administration Bldg.
The program is sponsored by the School of Business Administration, School of Natural Resources and Environment, Corporate Environmental Management Program, and the Automotive Industry Club.
‘Poetry Aloud!’ organizes
A group calling itself “Poetry Aloud!” is meeting at 3:30 p.m. Fridays during winter term in the Fourth Floor Commons, Modern Languages Bldg. The focus is on the sound of the poetry, which is read in the original language with an English translation. The intent is to provide the experience of hearing the music of many kinds of poetry in many languages. For information, call 764-5363.
Coming: classical Indian ballet
Malini Srirama and members of the Dances of India troupe will present an original Indian dance-ballet, “Parinaya—A Legend of Love,” at 8 p.m. Sat. (March 19) at the Power Center for the Performing Arts.
“Parinaya” is choreographed and directed by Malini in a classical Indian dance style, Bharatha Natyam. Based on a Sanskrit legend, the ballet portrays the trials of true love.
The performance is presented by the Office of Major Events. For information about tickets, $5 for students and senior citizens and
Softball season begins
The Department of Recreational Sports will accept entries for Michigan Classics Softball Program at the Cliff Keen Arena following the mandatory managers’ meeting, which begins at 7 p.m. Tues. (March 15). The entry fee per team is $495 for single-league games and $990 for double-header leagues. Payment is due at registration. Games begin May 9 and will be played at the Mitchell Fields weekdays. For information, call 763-3562.$8 for others, call 763-TKTS.
‘Biology as a Social Weapon’
Richard Lewontin of Harvard University will discuss “Biology as a Social Weapon” at 7:30 p.m. today (March 14) in the Natural Science Auditorium. The lecture is part of the Program on Studies in Religion’s Visiting Professor of Religious Thought Lecture Series.
Also scheduled this month in the series: March 21, law and philosophy Prof. Donald H. Regan, “Can One Knowingly Choose Evil?”; March 28, economics Prof. John G. Cross, “The Needlessness of Evil.”
‘Cubism and Its Influence’ on display at the Museum of Art
The exhibition “Cubism and Its Influence” is on display through May 29 in the Museum of Art’s Lobby Gallery. The exhibition explores the formal and conceptual innovations achieved by Picasso and Braque between 1911 and 1914 and their impact on 20th-century art through a sampling of prints, drawings, photographs and small paintings from the Museum’s permanent collection.
Panel looks at women scientists on non-traditional career paths
A panel discussion on “Non-traditional Careers in Science and Engineering” will be held 4–5:30 p.m. Wed. (March 16) in the East Conference Room, Rackham Bldg. Panelists include women with degrees in science and engineering who have taken non-traditional career paths. The program is sponsored by the Women in Science and Engineering Program of the Center for the Education of Women. For information, call 998-7225.
International Forum Tuesday Lunch focuses on Pacific Rim
Leonard Woodcock, former ambassador to China, will discuss “China: Sino-American Relations Under Stress” at noon Tues. (March 15) at the International Forum Tuesday Lunch at the International Center. Other sponsors are the Ecumenical Campus Center and Church Women United.
Other programs: March 22, Janet Yong, doctoral student, “Malaysia: A Cultural Perspective”; March 29, Linda Lim, professor of business (Singapore), “Singapore: Passions & Perils of Utopia.”
Lunch is available ($1 for students and $3 for others).
Ethics conference will look at life-sustaining care
The 22nd Conference on Ethics and Humanism in Medicine (CEHM) will be held 3–8 p.m. March 23 at Dow Auditorium, Towsley Center.
The multidisciplinary conference, “Utilization or Withdrawal of Life-Sustaining Care,” will focus on ethical considerations involved in the use or withdrawal of life-sustaining care, particularly in cases of chronic patient discomfort, irreversible neurological degradation or near-terminal conditions.
Physicians will discuss “Quality of Life” 3:15–4:50 p.m. Dinner will be 5–6 p.m., followed by a panel discussion about “Decisions on Sustaining Life,” moderated by David Doukas, assistant professor of family practice.
For information or to register for the conference organized by the Bioethics Committee of the American Medical Student Association and co-sponsored by the Medical School and the Inteflex Program, call 998-2929. The conference is free to students, $10 for nursing staff and $15 for others. Send checks, payable to CEHM, to CEHM, 5120C Med Sci I, 1310 Catherine, Ann Arbor, MI 48109-0611.
Program explains health insurance requirement
The International Center is holding informational meetings to answer questions departmental administrators may have about the University’s health insurance requirement for international students, scholars and dependents, and about the U-M’s new international health insurance plan. The meetings are scheduled 1–3 p.m. Wed. (March 16) and 9–11 a.m. April 13 in Room 9, International Center. To register, call 764-9310.
Sigma Xi meets Thursday
Sabra Sullivan Anderson, dean of the College of Science and Engineering at the University of Minnesota, Duluth, will discuss “The Changing Face of Science and Engineering” at 4 p.m. Thurs. (March 17) in Room 1200, Willard Henry Dow Laboratory. Her lecture is part of the Sigma Xi lecture series “Science Education in the 21st Century.”
U.S. Postal Zip codes
If you recently received a post card from the U.S. Postal Service verifying zip + 4 addresses, Mail Service asks that you disregard the information. The Postal Service mistakenly sent the cards as part of a pilot project. The original zip + 4 codes assigned to University buildings by Mail Service are correct and the ones that need to be used.
Looking at careers in science
“Alternative Careers in Science” is the topic of a Residential College career forum at 7 p.m. March 22 in Room 126, East Quadrangle. Speakers include Maya Bernstein from the Office of Management and the Budget, Wayne Schmidt of the Great Lakes Natural Resource Center and Steven Winkelman of the Institute of Public Affairs, University of Minnesota.
For information, call 763-5920.
Humanities Institute hosts brown-bag lecture
Jodi Bilinkoff, associate professor of history at the University of North Carolina at Greensboro, will discuss “Male Confessors and Female Penitents in Catholic Europe (1450–1750)” noon–1 p.m. today (March 14) at the Institute for the Humanities, Rackham Bldg.
A U-M alumna, Bilinkoff’s recent work is about the construction of identities in the Early Modern era.
Learn about Arab culture
The U-M-Dearborn Gabriel Richard Campus Ministry Center and Macomb Community College are sponsoring a workshop on Arab culture 9 a.m.–3 p.m. March 25 at the ACCESS Community Center, 2651 Saulino Ct., Dearborn.
Participants will visit a mosque and enjoy a Middle Eastern lunch. Female participants will need to bring a scarf to cover their heads when visiting the mosque.
Register by sending a $5 check, payable to Macomb Community College, to International Studies, Macomb Community College, 14500 E. Twelve Mile Road, Warren MI 48093. For information, call 271-6000.
Many Library services available through e-mail
The University Library offers several services via e-mail.
Interlibrary Loan requests may be made by sending complete bibliographic information, along with your status (faculty, graduate student), department, campus address and phone number to “Interlibrary Loan” on MTS. Requests for materials to be retrieved from Buhr should be sent to “Buhr Storage Facility” along with the call number, bibliographic information and library to which the material should be sent.
Faculty may request 747-FAST delivery by sending requests to “FAST” (include name, departmental address and account number for billing as well as complete bibliographic information).
Questions and suggestions pertaining to MIRLYN may be sent to “mirlyninfo.” For brief reference assistance or more information on e-mail services, message “Graduate Library Reference.” For information about similar services offered by the Taubman Medical Library, message “Medical Library.”
Seminar looks at changes in Eastern Europe
The Harlan Hatcher Graduate Library will present a seminar 3–4 p.m. Fri. (March 18) in Room 205C, titled “It’s a New World: Five Years of Revolutionary Change in Eastern Europe and the Newly Independent States.” The radical social changes that have occurred in the countries in this area in the past five years have affected patterns of scholarship and publishing. The seminar will discuss some of the available information resources, native as well as Western.
Seminar will focus on women and HIV
Eve Mokotoff, chief HIV/AIDS epidemiologist of the Michigan Department of Public Health, will discuss “Women and HIV” at a Michigan Initiative for Women’s Health seminar to be held noon–1 p.m. Wed. (March 16) in the East Lecture Room, Horace H. Rackham Bldg. The talk is free and open to the public.
The Initiative is an interdisciplinary “think-tank” at the U-M comprised of researchers interested in medical, biological, behavioral and public policy issues that affect women’s health.
Learn about colorectal cancer
Colorectal cancer is the third leading cause of cancer death among men and women in the United States. More than 75 percent of colorectal cancers discovered in the early stages can be cured.
The U-M Health Center at Northville is presenting a program on colon cancer 7–8 p.m. Thurs. (March 17) at the center, 650 Griswold. To register, $5, call (810) 344-1777.
The health center also is offering colon cancer screening kits (stool blood test) March 28–April 1. The kit is $7 and can be mailed back to the center.