CEW workshop looks at proposal writing
“Proposal Writing and Grant Seeking,” a workshop designed primarily for post-doctoral fellows, junior faculty and doctoral students, will meet 9–11:30 a.m. Feb. 16 at the Center for the Education of Women (CEW), 330 E. Liberty St.
Workshop topics include locating research sponsors and organizing and writing effective proposals for research and special projects. To register, $10 for students and faculty and $25 for others, call 998-7080.
Learn about medicinal plants
Conservatory tours at the Matthaei Botanical Gardens this month will focus on medicinal plants. Tours will begin at 10:30 a.m. and 2 p.m. Sat. (Feb. 12), Feb. 19 and Feb. 26 and at 2 p.m. Sun. (Feb. 13), Feb. 20 and Feb. 27. Docents will point out various plants that have been or still are important sources of medicine. Sign in at the front lobby reception desk prior to the tour.
Making the right medical choice
Michael Barry, assistant professor of medicine at Harvard Medical School, will discuss “Helping Patients Make the Right Choice: The Case of Prostate Disease” 4–5 p.m. Feb. 16 in Room G2305, Towsley Center, as part of the Health Services Research Lectureship Series.
Barry will discuss a new method of determining the effectiveness of medical technology and how this information can be transmitted to patients, using prostate disease as an example. Barry has been one of the leaders in determining community-based rates of complications following procedures and then transmitting this information, on a more qualitative level, to patients using video disk technology.
Regents meet Feb. 17–18
The Regents will hold their monthly meeting on Feb. 17–18. Individuals with disabilities who wish to attend the meeting and need assistance should contact the Regents’ Office two weeks in advance. Call 764-3883 or write to Regents’ Office, Fleming Administration Bldg., Ann Arbor MI 48109. For TDD services, call 747-1388.
Winn will report on ‘The Salzburg Seminar’
Institute for the Humanities Director James A. Winn will discuss “Geography, Economy, and the Arts: A Report on The Salzburg Seminar” noon–1 p.m. Tues. (Feb. 8) in Room 1524, Rackham Bldg.
Winn, the Mary Fair Croushore Professor and professor of English and of music, attended a seminar in Salzburg concerning economics and the arts, in which many Eastern European administrators of arts organizations took part. He will report on the resulting clash of cultures.
Be part of the solution
The Program on Intergroup Relations and Conflict (IGRC) is seeking students who are interested in improving relations between different campus groups by leading dialogue groups around issues of race/ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, national identity and disability.
Facilitators make a fall and winter term commitment to the program, and are required to attend biweekly in-service training sessions and facilitate at least one dialogue group per year. Academic credit is available.
Applications, due Feb. 18, are available at IGRC, 1521 Alice Lloyd Hall. For information, call 936-1875.
Ice carving on display Feb. 10 at Stockwell
The Housing Division’s annual ice carving sculpture event is scheduled for 10 a.m.–approximately 4 p.m. Thurs. (Feb. 10) on the back side of Stockwell Hall near the walkway. Nine Residence Hall Dining Services chefs will use their skills to create items related to a theme of the Michigan Circus.
More than 400 pounds of ice will be used to carve a three-ring circus, including a dancing bear and elephant, seal balancing a ball, clown, and lion and lion tamer. Complimentary hot chocolate, coffee and popcorn will be served to passers-by. The event will be rescheduled if the weather is very inclement or too cold.
Assembly meets today
Robert L. Kahn, professor emeritus of psychology and of health services management and policy, will report on M-Quality at the Senate Assembly meeting that begins at 3:15 p.m. today (Feb. 7) in Rackham Amphitheater.
Also on the agenda are a draft instrument for evaluating deans, continued discussion of flexible benefits and the introduction of Senate Advisory Committee on University Affairs candidates.
Please return surveys on work environment
Ann Arbor campus non-instructional and non-Hospitals staff with appointments of 50 percent or more who received the survey on “Perceptions of the Work Environment at the University of Michigan” last week are encouraged to complete and return them as soon as possible. Your confidential input is critical to the success of the survey. Final due date is Feb. 18. Supervisors have been asked to allow staff to complete the survey on work time. If you did not receive a survey but think you should have, or if you have questions about the survey, contact the Work Environment Research Group, 763-9272.
For the record . . .
Performances of The Colored Museum at Trueblood Theatre will be held at 8 p.m. Thurs. (Feb. 10) and Feb. 12–16, at 10:30 p.m. Fri. (Feb. 11), and 4 p.m. Feb. 13. There will be a benefit performance and reception at 7 p.m. Feb. 11. Tickets, available at the Michigan League Ticket Office, are $12 general admission, $6 for students and $25 for the benefit.
No Record Feb. 21
Because the Record will not publish Feb. 21 (spring break), the Feb. 14 Record Calendar will cover a two-week period, Feb. 14–28. The deadline for submitting Calendar and News Brief items for the Feb. 14 issue is 5 p.m. (Tues.) Feb. 8. The Record resumes weekly publication Feb. 28.
LS&A faculty meet today
LS&A faculty will meet at 4:10 p.m. today (Feb. 7) in Auditorium B, Angell Hall. The agenda includes a proposed change in the Faculty Code that would reduce the size of the College’s Joint Faculty-Student Policy Committee from 12 to eight persons.
Apply for community service learning grants by March 30
The Michigan Campus Compact seeks applications for grants for new ventures involving students in community service learning. The maximum award is $5,000 and the application deadline is March 30. For a copy of the request for proposal, contact Jeffrey Howard, Office of Community Service Learning, 763-3548.
Concert will honor Brode
A free concert by the Detroit Balalaika Orchestra will be held in memory of Marvin M. Brode, adjunct lecturer in psychiatry, at 8 p.m. Feb. 17 in Rackham Auditorium. A reception will follow at the Institute for the Humanities, 1524 Rackham Bldg.
Sponsors include the Institute for the Humanities, the Center for Russian and East European Studies, Copernicus Endowment, Office of Development, Friends of Marvin Brode, Detroit Balalaika Orchestra and the Michigan Psychoanalytic Institute.
International Forum looks at the Philippines, Bolivia
Bec Bandico, peace worker recently returned from work and study in the Philippines, will discuss “The Philippines After the American Military Withdrawal” at noon Tues. (Feb. 8) in the International Center.
Alfred Hendel, professor emeritus of physics, will discuss “Revolutions in Bolivia” at noon Feb. 15.
The presentations are part of the Ecumenical Campus Center’s International Forum Tuesday Lunch, co-sponsored by the International Center and Church Women United. A buffet lunch is available for $1 for students and $3 for others.
Board for Student Publications seeks new members
Faculty, staff and students are invited to apply for upcoming vacancies on the Board for Student Publications. Qualifications include knowledge and experience in publications and a commitment to the goals of student publications.
The Board meets seven times per year and is responsible for the Michigan Daily, Michiganensian yearbook and Gargoyle humor magazine. The Board oversees financial affairs and advises on editorial questions.
To apply, contact the Student Publications Office, 764-0550; Room 210E, 420 Maynard St. 1327. Application deadline is Feb. 15.
Marshall Becker memorial concert slated for today
The School of Public Health will offer a tribute to Marshall H. Becker, professor of health behavior and health education, at a memorial concert at 3:30 p.m. today (Feb. 7) in the Hussey Room, Michigan League.
School of Music students will perform compositions by Leonard Bernstein, Dvorak, Rachmaninoff and others. A reception in the second floor lobby of the League will follow the program. Becker, who died Nov. 26 at the age of 53, was also professor of health behavior at the Medical School and was internationally known for his research on patient compliance.
Alpha Phi Omega seeks adviser
The national coed service fraternity Alpha Phi Omega is seeking a faculty or staff adviser. The group is dedicated to the principles of leadership, friendship and service.
Annual projects include Infostops and the U-M vs. Ohio State University Blood Battle. Members also work with numerous agencies, including the Ronald McDonald House, Pound House and Habitat for Humanity. Adviser responsibilities include acting as a resource for the chapter and promoting chapter programs on campus. For information, call the Alpha Phi Omega office, 4204 Michigan Union, 663-6004, or Douglas Whittington, 930-2597.
Forsyth will speak about ‘Health Care Reform’
John Forsyth, executive director of the U-M Hospitals, will discuss “Health Care Reform” at a Friends of the U-M Hospitals informational luncheon/lecture Wed. (Feb. 9) at the Westminster Room, Ann Arbor Hilton. Lunch will be served at 11:30 a.m. with the program following at 12:30 p.m. The program is sponsored by the Friends of the U-M Hospitals. Reservations are $10 per person. For information, call 429-3987.
Mathematician will discuss ‘Fuzziness & Randomness’
Mathematics Prof. Andreas Blass will discuss “Fuzziness & Randomness” 7:30–9 p.m. Feb. 15 in the East Conference Room, Rackham Bldg., at the next Research Club meeting.
Videoconference will explore Space Station possibilities
“A New Era of Discovery: Plans for Research on Space Station,” a videoconference about the possibilities for research on Space Station, will be aired locally 1–3 p.m. Feb. 17 in the Chrysler Center Auditorium.
Space Station is expected to be operational in the latter half of this decade and will provide scientists and engineers with a research laboratory in space. The National Aeronautics and Space Administration is presenting the videoconference as part of its outreach effort.
Participants will learn how research in Space Station’s low gravity environment will lead to new insights, products and processes, especially in the fields of health, pharmaceuticals, materials processing, forestry, agriculture, computers, electronic systems and environmental technologies.
For information, call Julie Edwards, 936-2611.
Michalak separates computer technology hype from reality
Thomas J. Michalak, independent consultant and former president of Faxon Research Services Inc., will present a free lecture, “Technobabble, Cyber-hype, the Internot, and the Demise of the Book: What’s a Librarian to Do?” 1:30–3 p.m. Thurs. (Feb. 10) in the Ehrlicher Room, School of Information and Library Studies.
Time to complete Departmental Space Inventory Survey
The annual Departmental Space Inventory Survey will be distributed the week of Feb. 14. Review and training sessions are being scheduled by the schools and colleges to discuss changes in the survey and survey procedures with Office of Space Analysis and Cost Reimbursement Office staff. Survey respondents who are not scheduled for a review/training session should contact the Office of Space Analysis, 763-1196, to make arrangements to attend a session.
Lecture series looks at growing up in poverty
Oscar A. Barbarin, professor of social work, will discuss “Physical Illness and Psychological Functioning in African American Children” at noon Tues. (Feb. 8) in Room 1000, 10th level, 300 North Ingalls Bldg., as part of the “Growing Up In Poverty” lecture series, which focuses on the challenges for children’s health and development. Barbarin is director of the Center for the Child and the Family, Institute for Human Adjustment.
Also as part of the series, Carol Loveland-Cherry, associate professor of nursing and director of the Division of Health Promotion and the Risk Reduction Program, will talk about “Prevention of Adolescent Alcohol Use/Misuse” at noon Feb. 15 at the same location.
The series will continue through May. Beverages and cookies will be served at the brown-bag lunch. For information, call 764-2443.
SACUA seeks nominations for faculty awards
The Senate Advisory Committee on University Affairs (SACUA) is soliciting nominations for the Distinguished Faculty Governance Award and the Regents’ Award for Distinguished Public Service. The governance award recognizes distinguished service to faculty governance over several years with an emphasis on Universitywide service. The Regents’ Award recognizes public service activities that relate closely to teaching and research and reflect professional and academic expertise. The service activities may occur outside the University in local, state, national or international arenas. All University Senate members are eligible for consideration for either award.
March 15 is the nomination deadline. For nomination forms or information, contact Jayne Thorson, 764-0303.
Auschwitz survivor will speak
Sora Seiler Vigorito, the youngest known survivor of Josef Mengele’s Nazi medical experiments on twins, will speak at 7 p.m. Sun. (Feb. 13) in the Pendleton Room, Michigan Union. Her topic: “Children of Night—Women of Light.”
Vigorito, a teacher and mother of three in Cleveland Heights, Ohio, says “I speak on the spiritual and the historical. The two can’t be separated.”
At age 3 1/2, she and her sister, Hanna, became “patients” in Mengele’s twin experiments, subjected to operations without anesthesia and to substances injected into their spines, causing temporary paralysis and convulsions.
Vigorito’s talk is sponsored by Chabad House. A $3 donation is requested.
Women’s health topic of next Commission for Women meeting
Timothy Johnson, chair of the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, will discuss “Women’s Health in the Next Decade—Changes and Women’s Roles in Their Care” noon–1 p.m. Feb. 23 in the School of Nursing Auditorium, Floor 2, 400 North Ingalls Bldg. The presentation is part of the Commission for Women’s series on empowerment.
Johnson, who received both his undergraduate and medical degrees from the
U-M, previously was chief of Maternal Fetal Medicine at Johns Hopkins University.
School of Music offers variety of musical fare
Daphne Wing, winner of the Bossart Concerto Competition, will be violin soloist in the Campus Symphony Orchestra and Campus Philharmonia Orchestra concert at 8 p.m. today (Feb. 7) in Hill Auditorium. She will perform the Violin Concerto No. 3 of Camille Saint-Saens. Also scheduled on the program are “Kol Nidrei” by Bruch, “Romeo and Juliet Fantasy-Overture” by Tchaikovsky, Rimsky-Korsakov’s “Russian Ester Overture” and Beethoven’s Choral Fantasy Op. 80.
Symposium will examine Endangered Species Act
The Law School and the Environmental Law Society will sponsor a “Symposium on Reauthorization of the Endangered Species Act” 9:30 a.m.–5 p.m. Sat. (Feb. 12) in Room 100, Hutchins Hall. Topics include endangered species protection in Michigan, the justifications for endangered species protection, economic considerations of the Endangered Species Act, how the act can be improved, ecosystem and conflict management, and an evaluation of the Clinton administration’s vision of the Endangered Species Act. For information, call 764-8945.
Brown-bag lunch series looks at community service
Sociology Prof. Mark Chesler will discuss “Community Service Learning as Innovation in the University” noon–1 p.m. today (Feb. 7) in Room 2553, LS&A Bldg., as part of the brown-bag lunch series “Pedagogy and Research in Community Service Learning.”
English Prof. Buzz Alexander will discuss “Creating ‘Spaces’ for Community Service Learning” Feb. 14 at the same time and location.
Series sponsors include the Office of Community Service Learning, LS&A, the Center for Research on Learning and Teaching, Task Force on Community Service Learning, Dean of Students, Vice President for Student Affairs, Michigan Campus Compact and the W.K. Kellogg Foundation.
CEW workshop focuses on negotiating skills
“Negotiating Skills for Academic Women,” a workshop for junior faculty women and post-doctoral fellows, will be presented by the Center for the Education of Women (CEW) 3–5 p.m. Feb. 15 at CEW, 330 E. Liberty St.
Participants will have the opportunity to discuss strategies for negotiating job-related issues. Practical tips and information will be provided with a focus on salary negotiations. To register, call 998-7080.
Coping with depression
Identifying depression and strategies for coping with it will be the subject of a free workshop 1–3 p.m. Thurs. (Feb. 10) at Turner Clinic. Alan Mellow, assistant professor of psychiatry, and Lynn Stern, senior social worker at Turner Clinic, will discuss signs of depression, especially in older adults, and methods for helping people who are depressed.
Feeling down in the dumps, having unexplained aches and pains, loss of appetite and difficulty sleeping can all be part of depression and should not be considered a normal part of growing older. For information, call 764-2556.
Statistical computing package exposition set for Feb. 23
The Office of Health Sciences Information, Technology and Networking will host “Statistical Computer Package Expo, Beyond MTS,” a statistical computing package exposition, noon–4 p.m. Feb. 23 in the Towsley Center for Continuing Medical Education. Data Desk, Systat, SPSS, SAS and others will be highlighted.
Anyone using these statistical packages or others in their research are invited to participate in the exposition. Those who would like to demonstrate something that may assist others in the migration of statistical analyses to a distributed environment should call Cathy Houlihan, 764-5381.
The Center for Statistical Research and Consultation will provide information about its consulting services to assist in the design and implementation of statistical analyses on desktop computers.
Ukadike will lead discussion about African documentaries
Nwachukwu Frank Ukadike, assistant professor of communication and of Afroamerican and African studies, will discuss “African and Africanist Documentaries in a Transnational Era” at 4 p.m. Wed. (Feb. 9) in the Center for Afroamerican and African Studies (CAAS) Library Conference Room, 214 W. Engineering.
The presentation, given in conjunction with Black History Month, is part of a year-long series on “Exploring the Dimensions of Life in the Industrial Age,” sponsored by the CAAS research project on African Peoples in the Industrial Age.
Earl Lewis, professor of history and of Afroamerican and African studies, will discuss “All Because of the Color of Your Skin: The Multiple Meanings of ‘Race’ in the 20th Century” at a brown-bag lunch noon–1 p.m. Feb. 15 in the Hayden Lounge, Room 111, West Engineering Bldg.
Muslims mark Ramadan
The Housing Division offers alternative meal options for Muslim students with Entree meal contracts who have different eating requirements during Ramadan, which begins Feb. 11–12 and ends March 11–12.
Residents or Entree contract holders can apply for a board rebate for the Ramadan period by completing a Board Termination Request form available at all residence hall front offices, the Entree Office or the Housing Information Office.
The Muslim Community Association, 2301 Plymouth Road, will be providing free dinner to Muslim residents every night during the month of Ramadan.
Fasting during Ramadan, the ninth month on the Islamic calendar, means abstaining from food and drink from sunrise to sunset for 30 days. Fasting emphasizes self-restraint and self-discipline, and also allows Muslims to experience the feeling of hunger that the poor feel daily.