The University Record, February 18, 1997
In Brief…
Regents meet this week
The Regents will begin their monthly meeting at 2:30 p.m. Thurs. (Feb. 20) in the Regents’ Room, Fleming Administration Bldg. Agenda items include remarks by President Lee Bollinger, a report on the U-Mradio and television stations, as well as discussion of the School of Nursing Faculty Practice Plan and the U-M Health System Paid Time Off Program. Public comments will begin at 4 p.m. The meeting will resume at 9 a.m. Fri. (Feb. 21) in the Regents’ Room with discussion of the 1997-98 residence hall and family housing rates and regular agenda items.
Winter Work/Life/Family Series kicks off Feb. 20
The Center for the Education of Women (CEW) is sponsoring the first in a continuing series of lectures that address the questions of how women and men balance work, life and family 2-4 p.m. Thurs. (Feb. 20) at the CEW, 330 E. Liberty. Jane Dutton, the William Russell Kelly Professor of Business Administration, will discuss “The Meaning of Relationships in Women’s and Men’s Professional Work Experience.” The program is free and open to the public. Call 998-7080 for information.
Breast cancer support group meets Feb. 19
The Breast Care Center of the Comprehensive Cancer Center will hold its monthly support group for women breast cancer survivors 6:30-8 p.m. Wed. (Feb. 19) in Dining Room B, second floor, University Hospital. The meeting format will be open discussion with facilitation by social work and nursing staff. No registration is required. Call 764-2696 for more information.
No Record March 4
The University Record will not publish on March 4 due to spring recess. The calendar in the Feb. 25 issue will include events that take place through March 13. Please submit Calendar items by noon Wed. (Feb. 19) for inclusion on the Feb. 25 issue.
Pharmacology accepting Ross Fellowship applications
The Department of Pharmacology is accepting applications for the 1997 Charles Ross Summer Research Fellowship for Minority Undergraduate Students. Support includes a $3,000 stipend, supervision by a faculty member, laboratory supplies and participation in laboratory discussions and departmental seminars. The application deadline is March 15. For information or an application form, call 764-8165.
Exhibition traces history of Michigan’s Japanese Americans
The Michigan Union Program Board, in association with the Japanese American Citizens League, presents “From Manzanar to Motor City: A History of Michigan’s Japanese American Community” Fri. (Feb. 21)-March 10 at the Michigan Union Art Lounge. Eight free-standing diptych panels portray Japanese immigration to the United States, the unconstitutional evacuation and internment of Japanese Americans during World War II, and the resettlement of Japanese Americans into the Detroit area. For more information, call 763-INFO.
Art exhibition presents
‘Recipes of Resistance’
The Michigan Union Program Board and the Asian/Pacific American Women’s Journal present “Recipes of Resistance,” an exhibition of art at the Michigan Union Art Lounge continuing through Thurs. (Feb. 20). The journal produces an annual publication featuring the literary, art and photographic work of Asian/Pacific American women in the University community. The Asian/Pacific American Women’s Journal welcomes new members and accepts submission for publication throughout the year. Call 763-INFO for more information.
Symposium focuses on
colonial contexts
The Program in British Studies, the Early Modern Seminar and the Rackham School of Graduate Studies announce the second in a series of free, public symposia bringing together distinguished visitors and our own faculty to speak on topics of current interest and concern, 4-6:30 p.m. Mon. (Feb. 24) in Room 3222, Angell Hall. Willy Maley, University of Glasgow, will join Linda Gregerson, associate professor of English, and Simon Gikandi, professor of English language andliterature, speaking on “Colonial Contexts: Indians, Irish and Others.” Call 764-6330 for information.
Turner Clinic course
will focus on hearing loss
“Hearing Loss,” a five-week course, will be presented by the Turner Geriatric Clinic 10 a.m.-noon Mondays in March beginning March 3 at the Turner Clinic, 1010 Wall St. Topics will include how we hear, hearing aids and assistive devices, lip reading and sign language, and coping with hearing loss. Presentations will be made by Kathleen Quinn, department head, Special Education, Eastern Michigan University, and Deborah Olsen, a certified audiologist and hearing specialist. The course is free, but pre-registration is requested. For information or to register, call 764-2556.
U choral groups present
concert at Hill
The University Choir and the Chamber Choir will appear in a free, public concert with organist James Kibbie at 8 p.m. Fri. (Feb. 21) in Hill Auditorium. Jerry Blackstone and Theodore Morrison, conductors, will lead the groups in a performance of the Missa Brevis, by Zoltan Kodaly. Also featured on the program are works by Schubert, Dohnanyi and Chatman.
Humanities Institute symposium examines meaning of ‘beauty’
“Ideals of Appearance,” a free, public symposium sponsored by the Institute for the Humanities, brings together a historian, a biometrician, an artist and an art historian to consider the meanings behind different definitions of beauty, 9:10 a.m.-5 p.m. Fri. (Feb. 21). The morning session, 9 a.m.-12:45 p.m., will be held in Rackham Amphitheater; the afternoon session, 2-5 p.m., will be held in Auditorium B, Angell Hall. Among the topics are beauty and disease; geometry and facial beauty; a self-study of aging in women by a woman artist; and ideals of appearance in the works of contemporary African American artists. A panel discussion will conclude the day’s events. For information, call 936-3518.
Care for a spot of tea?
Join local art collectors at the Museum of Art for Friday Tea at Three, at 3 p.m. Fri. (Feb. 21), or experience the harmony and tranquillity of the Japanese tea ceremony, chanoyu, 3 p.m. Sun. (Feb. 23) in the museum’s Japanese Gallery. On Friday, sip tea as local artconnoisseurs discuss their collections. Zingerman’s Ari Weinzweig will discuss the Ceylon tea chosen for this month’s gathering. Admission is $5; free to Museum volunteers. The free, public Japanese tea ceremony, held the last Sunday of every month, takes place in the Japanese teahouse. Call 764-0395 for information.
Lecture explores gods,
landscapes of Royal Ugarit
Pierre Bordreuil, of the Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, Paris, will discuss “Gods and Landscapes of Royal Ugarit” 4-5 p.m. Wed. (Feb. 19) in the East Conference Room, Rackham Bldg. The illustrated lecture, free and open to the public, is sponsored by the Center for Judaic Studies, Interdepartmental Program in Classical Art and Archaeology, Program on Studies in Religion, the Kelsey Museum of Archeology and the departments of Near Eastern Studies, History of Art, and Classical Studies.
Take a photographic tour of
English gardens
Head for the Matthaei Botanical Gardens for a photographic tour of beautiful English gardens with Steven Nikkila, professional horticultural photographer, 6:30-9:30 p.m. Thurs. (Feb. 20). Nikkila will explain how to capture the basic characteristics of the English garden and transpose them to your backyard. Beginning and advanced garden designers will enjoy learning historical and botanical traditions in this $25 class. Call 998-7061 for information.
Colloquium examines
Ottoman Empire
Douglas Howard, professor of history, Calvin College, will discuss “The Life Story of the Ottoman Empire: ÔAdvice for Kings’ and Its Genre,” at the Turkish Studies Colloquium, 4-6 p.m. Thurs. (Feb. 20) in the Commons Room, Lane Hall. The colloquium is co-sponsored by the International Institute, the Friends of the Turkish Studies Colloquium and Syse’s Care.
Happy 100th birthday,
U-M Bands
The U-M Bands’ year-long 100th anniversary celebration begins at 8 p.m. Sat. (Feb. 22) when the Symphony Band, under the direction of H. Robert Reynolds, gives a free concert in Hill Auditorium on the date of the U-M’s first band concert 100 years ago. Featured on the program will be Grainger’s Lincolnshire Posy and Irish Tune from County Derry, performed with alumni band members; and Evan Chambers’ Tango World, the first of several works by School of Music composers commissioned for the bands’ centennial celebration.
Alumni of any U-M concert band organization are invited to take part in this concert. Contact Maggie St. Clair at 764-6102 for information on performing. The band will continue its centennial celebration with an East Coast tour in May, culminating in a concert in Carnegie Hall on May 9.
Learn to Ôcolorize’ your garden
Janet Macunovich, professional gardener and writer, will discuss the secrets of continuous color for your garden 6:30-9:30 p.m. Thurs. (Feb. 20) at the Matthaei Botanical Gardens. Topics covered will include combinations of plant species and varieties that make for a beautiful blooming garden and for winter interest, and tricks for extending, stalling and coaxing repeat shows from flowering plants. Cost of the one-evening class is $25. Call 998-7061 for information.
Check out Hillel for an evening of side-splitting humor
Joel Chasnoff takes a humorous look at Judaism in an evening of stand-up comedy at 8:15 p.m. Fri. (Feb. 21) at Hillel Foundation. Chasnoff “threads elements of common Jewish experiences into an evening of laughter and nostalgia, finding humor in the intricacies and details of Judaism and the Jewish way of life.” The program is sponsored by the Conservative Minyan, Reform Chavurah and Chaverim. Call 769-0500 for information.
Visiting professor will address Dutch urban planning
Bert van der Knaap, visiting professor in urban planning from the University of Rotterdam, will discuss recent developments in urban and regional planning in the Netherlands at 2 p.m. Sun. (Feb. 23) in Room 9, International Center. Sponsored by the Department of Germanic Languages and Literature, the free, public talk is based on updates and revisions of the Fourth National Report on National Planning. Refreshments will be served following the lecture. Call 764-5370 or 994-9276 for information.
What kind of cities do we need?
Witold Rybczynski, the Martin and Margy Meyerson Chair in Urbanism and director of the Urban Design Program, University of Pennsylvania, will speak on “What Kind of Cities Do We Need?” at 6 p.m. Fri. (Feb. 21) in the Lecture Hall, Art & Architecture Bldg. His talk is part of the College of Architecture and Urban Planning Lecture Series. Call 764-1300 for information.
Deadline for Relays Meet
sign-up approaches
The entry deadline for the 1997 Relays Meet (half-mile, 3/4-mile, 1-mile, 2-mile), sponsored by the Department of Recreational Sports Intramural Sports Program, is 4:30 p.m. Feb. 25 at the IMSB. There will be an entry fee of $25 per team. The meet will take place at the Track & Tennis Bldg. at 6:30 a.m. Feb. 26. For information, call 763-3562.
Sign up for intramural
volleyball next week
The Department of Recreation Sports Intramural Sports Program will take entries for 1997 volleyball 11 a.m.-5:30 p.m. Feb. 25 at the IMSB. There will be an entry fee of $65 per team. A mandatory managers’ meeting will be conducted at 6 p.m. and 9 p.m. Feb. 26 in Cliff Keen Arena. Matches will begin March 10 and will be played at the IMSB Sundays 12:30-9:30 p.m. and weekdays 5:30-9:30 p.m. For information, call 763-3562.
They’re singing your song
at the League Underground
The Michigan League Programming Office presents music for jazz buffs and for blues lovers at 8 p.m. Thurs. (Feb. 20) and Fri. (Feb. 21) in the League Underground, lower level of the Michigan League. There is no cover charge Thursday, as the Immigrant Suns perform Bohemian jazz. On Friday, the Underground will be vibrating with the blues stylings of the Terraplanes, hosts of the Sunday Blues Jams at the Blind Pig, and the blues rock, covers and originals of the Pulsations. Friday night’s cover charge is $2.
National political correspondent will tell how news gets made
Richard L. Berke, national political correspondent for the New York Times, will answer the question, “How Does a Reporter’s Hunch Become Front Page News?” 10-11:30 a.m. Mon. (Feb. 24) in Room 110, Dennison Bldg. Among the topics Berke will discuss during the free, public lecture is how he developed stories during the 1996 presidential campaign (for which he was the Times’ chief correspondent). A question-and-answer session will follow Berke’s talk. A U-M graduate, Burke is on leave from the Times this semester to serve as a Fellow at Harvard University’s Kennedy School of Government. He will discuss employment in journalism 2-4:30 p.m. at the Michigan Daily Offices in the Student Publications Bldg. For more information, call 763-2479 or send e-mail to [email protected].
Learn about Ann Arbor’s
archaeological reviews
John M. O’Shea, professor of anthropology and curator of the Kelsey Museum of Anthropology, will speak on “Reviewing Archeological Reviews in Ann Arbor” at 7:30 p.m. Wed. (Feb. 19) in Room B-116, Modern Languages Bldg. For 13 years, University anthropologists have worked with the City of Ann Arbor Planning Department to review new development proposals for their potential impact on prehistoric archaeological sites. In his free, public lecture and slide presentation, O’Shea will describe what anthropologists have learned during this process both about the ancient inhabitants of Ann Arbor and about the review and compliance efforts within the local community.
Psych peer advisers present
educational panel discussions
The Psychology Department’s Peer Advising Office will present two “focus groups” this month designed to provide undergraduate and graduate students with information about job opportunities in the field of psychology. The first, “Joint Degree Graduate Programs in Psychology,” featuring a panel of several U-M professors, will be held 7-9 p.m. tonight (Feb. 18) in the Fourth Floor Terrace, East Hall. A second program, “Mental Health Professions,” 7-9 p.m. Feb. 25 in the same location, will explore the similarities and differences between the various degrees available in the field of psychology. The discussions are two of six scheduled throughout the semester. Call 647-3711 for more information.
Research Partnership Program deadline approaches
March 3 is the application deadline for the Distinguished Faculty and Graduate Student Seminars Program and the Spring/Summer Research Grants Program, administered jointly by the Horace H. Rackham School of Graduate Studies and the Office of the Vice President for Research. The seminars program supports proposals for innovative seminars and colloquia to foster collaboration and stimulate new research. The spring/summer grants enable faculty to hire doctoral students to assist with research and scholarly projects. For additional information or application forms, call 936-3933 or send e-mail to [email protected]. Details are posted at http//
Lecture examines women and gender in ancient Egypt
Brenda J. Baker, senior scientist in bioarchaeology at New York State Museum, Albany; and Janet E. Richard, assistant curator, Kelsey Museum of Archaeology, will present an illustrated lecture, “Gender in the Archaeological Record: The Case of Abydos, Egypt,” 4-5 p.m. Fri. (Feb. 21) in Room 180, Tappan Hall. The lecture is the third in a series of lectures on women and gender in antiquity co-sponsored by the Institute for Research on Women and Gender and the Kelsey Museum.
College of Engineering art exhibition opens this week
The third annual College of Engineering Staff, Student and Faculty Art Exhibit will be displayed Feb. 24-March 10 in the Pierpont Commons Atrium. This is the first year that student work has been included in the exhibition, and organizers expect the range of art works to be very broad. Call 763-8040 or 764-2426 for more information.
Career conference designed for people of color
The 15th annual Career Conference for People of Color, presented by the Women of Color Task Force, will take place 7 a.m.-5 p.m. March 7 in the Modern Languages Bldg. Participants may choose from more than 50 workshops planned for the event, ranging from tips on breaking the “glass ceiling” to single parenting, mentoring and an introduction to the Internet. The keynote address will be given by Thelma Wells, a 15-year veteran of the public-speaking circuit, who speaks on improving self-esteem. The cost of the day-long conference, including three workshop sessions and lunch, is $39 for U-M affiliates and $50 for non-affiliates. Call 936-3326 for more information.
Post-Holocaust drama will play at Trueblood
A studio production of Born Guilty, Ari Roth’s award-winning drama about the Holocaust, will be performed by musical theater students at 8 p.m. Feb. 20-22 and at 2 p.m. Feb. 23 in the Trueblood Theatre. The play, based on the best-selling book by Peter Schrovsky, is “an inquiry into a tragedy, and an inquiry into a potential tragedy that might develop if we do not continue to bear witness to its subject matter,” says Philip Kerr, the Claribel Baird Halstead Professor of Theatre, who directs the play. The performances are free and open to the public, but seating capacity in the Trueblood Theatre is limited. Call 764-0450 for more information.
Discussion will focus on tenure strategies
The Center for the Education of Women (CEW) invites junior faculty women to attend a panel discussion presented by senior faculty women on achieving tenure and strategies 3-5 p.m. Feb. 27 in the Conference Room, CEW, 330 E. Liberty. Senior faculty women from Women’s Studies, linguistics, biology and human genetics, the Institute for Research on Women and Gender, and a representative from Academic Human Resources will participate in the discussion. Space is limited. Call 998-7080 for more information or to register.