The University Record, November 12, 1996
In Brief…
Bornstein and Wilson will discuss
teaching using multimedia tools
George Bornstein, professor of English, will present “Teaching Poetry Electronically: The Yeats Prototype”; and Skip Wilson, assistant professor of education, will talk about “Learning to Teach Mathematics with Hypermedia,” 3-5 p.m. Thurs. (Nov. 14) in Room 1300, Dow Chemistry Bldg. The talks are part of the series “Focus on Teaching,” co-sponsored by the Information Technology Division’s Office of Instructional Technology and the Office of the Associate Dean for Undergraduate Education. For information, call 763-4806.
Panel discussion will explore women’s equality
The Institute for Research on Women and Gender will sponsor an interdisciplinary panel discussion, “Visions of Citizenship: Questioning the Liberal Promise of Equality,” 3-5 p.m. Mon. (Nov. 18) in the Executive Conference Room, LS&A Bldg. June Howard, the Arthur F. Thurnau Professor and associate professor of English, of American culture and of women’s studies, will chair the discussion. For information, call 764-9537.
Regents will meet Nov. 14-15
The regular monthly meeting of the Board of Regents will take place at 1 p.m. Nov. 14 and at 9:30 a.m. Nov. 15 in the Regents Room, Fleming Administration Bldg. Agenda items include opening remarks by interim President Homer A. Neal, the external audit report, the 1998 state budget request, the report of the Child Care Task Force and the Annual Report of Research Activity for fiscal year 1996. Also on the agenda are the Virtual University update and items affecting the Medical Center.
For the record . . .
The 20-Year Service Awards reception and dinner scheduled to take place 5:30-9 p.m. Wed. (Nov. 13) will be held at the Michigan League, not in the Alumni Center, as noted in the Nov. 5 issue of the Record.
Panel will discuss value of grades
Richard Mann, professor emeritus in psychology, and a panel of four students will discuss “Who Measures Your SuccessYou or the U?” 7-9:30 p.m. today (Nov. 12) in the Vandenberg Room, Michigan League. The program, open to the university community, will examine the impact of the grading system on students’ values and learning. Sponsors include the Office of the Dean of Students and the Council for Dialogue. For more information send e-mail to [email protected].
Handel oratorio will be
performed Nov. 19
The School of Music will present Handel’s epic oratorio “Israel in Egypt” at 8 p.m. Nov. 19 in Hill Auditorium. The U-M Symphony Orchestra, chamber choirs and soloists will perform the rarely heard composition under the direction of Theodore Morrison. The oratorio depicts the biblical story of the deliverance of the Israelites at the Red Sea. The concert is free and open to the public. Call 764-0594 for information, or call the School of Music Hotline, 763-4726.
Dance performance, lecture will
offer glimpse of motherhood
Jessica Fogel, professor of dance, will discuss the creative process behind her newest solo dance creation, “Upswell,” which explores images of pregnancy, motherhood and infancy, 4-5:30 p.m. Wed. (Nov. 13) in the Residential College Auditorium, East Quad. The dance will be performed by dancer and choreographer Terry Wilson. The event, co-sponsored by the Institute for Research on Women and Gender and the Women’s Studies Program, is free and open to the public. For information, call 764-9537
UNESCO official will deliver
United Nations report here
Lourdes Arizpe, professor of anthropology at UNAM (Mexico City) and assistant director general of UNESCO for culture and global change, will deliver the United Nations Report on the World Commission for Culture and Development at 3 p.m. Tues. (Nov. 12) in Room 6050, ISR. Following the report, Arizpe will discuss her book, Culture and Global Change: Social Perceptions of Deforestation in the Lacandona Rain Forest in Mexico, published this year by the U-M Press. The talk is sponsored by the Culture and Cognition Program.
Lecture will discuss sensitivity
to racial and cultural differences
James B. Boyer, professor of curriculum and American ethnic studies at Kansas State University, will discuss “Sensitivity to Racial and Cultural Differences on Campus” at the Senate Assembly Meeting, 3:30 p.m. Mon. (Nov. 18), Rackham Amphitheatre. Boyer specializes in training, research and development in the concepts of gender equity and race/ethnic relations. The event is co-sponsored by the Senate Assembly and the Office of Plant Extension. Call 764-0303 for information.
Brown University professor
will discuss liberalizing drugs
Dwight B. Heath, professor of anthropology at Brown University, will lead a seminar for graduate students and faculty titled “Between Zero Tolerance and a Free Market: The Anthropological Case for Liberalization of Drugs,” 3:30-5:30 p.m. Wed. (Nov. 13) in the Barrett Conference Room, second floor, Clinical Faculty Office Building. The seminar is sponsored by the Substance Abuse Research Center. For information, call 998-6500 or send e-mail to [email protected].
Cancer survivors welcome
at town hall session
An information session for a Cancer Survivorship Town Hall meeting will be held 7:30-9 p.m. Nov. 20 at the Kellogg Eye Center Auditorium. The town hall meeting will be organized by and for cancer survivors and the people who care for and about them. For information, call 936-9583.
Awards dinner set for Nov. 20
University employees with 30 or 40 years of service are reminded that a dinner and reception in their honor will be held 5:30-9 p.m. Nov. 20 at the Michigan League.
You can quit smoking
Are you interested in quitting smoking? If so, attend the University Health Service program “You Can Quit!” noon-1 p.m. Nov. 20 in Room 309, University Health Service. The free, one-hour motivational program is designed to help you develop a plan for quittingwhen you are ready. You will learn: how to quit, how to cope, tips to prevent weight gain, about nicotine chewing gum, and the positive effects of quitting. Pre-registration is required. For information or to register, call 763-1320.
David Daniels will appear
with Martin Katz in recital
Countertenor David Daniels will appear at 8 p.m. Nov. 25 in the School of Music Recital Hall. Accompanying Daniels in the free recital will be “partner to the stars” Martin Katz. Daniels has received critical acclaim for his “astonishing evenness and purity of tone” and his “breathtaking insight” into the music he sings. Daniels and Katz will perform a program that includes music by Purcell, Bellini, Gounod, Hundley, Handel and Rossini.
Post-election retrospective will
examine campaign ’96 issues
The School of Public Policy will sponsor a free, public panel discussion on “Election ’96: How It Happened and Where Do We Go From Here?” at 5 p.m. Fri. (Nov. 15) at the Michigan League.
Panelists include: polling firm representatives Alex P. Evans of Berkeley, Calif., and Dave Iannelli; and former state Sen. Doug Ross, a lecturer in public policy and former assistant secretary of the U.S. Department of Labor and past director of the Michigan Department of Commerce.
For more information, call the School of Public Policy, 764-3490.
‘Writers Harvest for S.O.S.’
will be held Nov. 14
The University will host a fundraiser for Food Gatherers, a local hunger relief agency, at 7:30 p.m. Thurs. (Nov. 14) in Rackham Amphitheatre. “Writers Harvest for S.O.S.” will feature readings by award-winning poet Debra Allberry, 12-time Hopwood Award-winner Laura Kasischke, Associate Professor of Playwriting OyamO, and Palestinian writer Anton Shammas. The event is part of a nationwide program to raise money for food-gathering programs. Tickets, $5, are available at the door.
Bookstein will discuss
reading deformation grids
The Institute for the Humanities brown bag series will present Fred Bookstein, research scientist at the Institute of Gerontology and the Center for Human Growth and Development, in a discussion of the art and the science of reading deformation grids, at noon Nov. 19 in Room 1524, Rackham Bldg. Bookstein says that the graphics of deformed grids, which arose as “perspective transformations” in the visual arts, have also become important in biomedical research. The public is invited to the free lecture.
COP food drive seeks to bring
Thanksgiving to needy families
The Department of Public Safety’s community oriented policing (COP) officers have begun a food drive to help families in need during the Thanksgiving holiday. Canned and boxed food is being collected 8 a.m.-8 p.m. Mon.-Fri. in the COP offices, Room G419, 525 Church St. and at Pierpont Commons through Nov. 22. Donations also will be accepted 7:30 a.m.-6 p.m. Mon.-Fri. at the main Department of Public Safety office, 1239 Kipke Drive.
Food collected will be donated to Huron Harvest Food Bank and Food Gatherers the week of Thanksgiving. For information, call 764-5738.
LS&A Public Relations Expo
will be held Nov. 14
The second LS&A Public Relations Expo will take place 10 a.m.-noon Thurs. (Nov. 14) in the Rackham Assembly Hall. The Expo is a showcase for LS&A units to exchange and discover new, important tools and helpful ideas for developing and revising their publicity and fund-raising efforts. Anyone interested in materials, development, alumni relations or other areas of publicity may attend. For information, call 647-0888.
Writer Walker will hold
reading at U-M-Dearborn
Margaret Walker, author of five books of poetry, one novel and several volumes of criticism and commentary, will read from her works at 7 p.m. Nov. 20 at the Henry Ford Estate on the U-M-Dearborn campus. The free, public reading is co-sponsored by the Detroit Black Writers Guild. Walker, a leading African American writer, also will speak to classes in creative writing, literature and women’s studies. For information, call (313) 593-5555.
Research Responsibility Program
will examine data management
Edward Rothman, professor of statistics, will coordinate the Research Responsibility Program (RRP) sessions on “Responsible Data Management Practices,” 4-6 p.m. Nov. 12 and 7-9 p.m. Nov. 20, in the Rackham Amphitheatre. The program is sponsored by the Horace H. Rackham School of Graduate Studies and the Office of the Vice President for Research.
For the complete schedule of topics and times, visit the RRP webpage at Call 763-1289 for information or to register.
Campus Information Centers
seek information assistants
The Campus Information Centers (CIC), which serves as the central point for comprehensive University information and referral, has openings for information assistants. Applicants must be currently registered undergraduate or graduate students and should be familiar with the Ann Arbor campus. Applications are available at the North Campus Information Center (Pierpont Commons Lobby) and at the Campus Information Center on the first floor of the Michigan Union. Deadline for applications is 5 p.m. Mon. (Nov. 18).
Help fill your week with music
The School of Music’s November cornucopia of musical and dramatic offerings continues through Nov. 26. Among this week’s highlights are performances by the University Philharmonia Orchestra at 8 p.m. Tues. (Nov. 12) at Hill Auditorium and the Campus Philharmonia Orchestra at 8 p.m. Thurs. (Nov. 14) at McIntosh Theatre; and a production of Donizetti’s comic opera, L’Elisir d’Amore, directed by Joshua Major and conducted by Kenneth Kiesler, at 8 p.m. Thurs.-Sat. (Nov. 14-16) and at 2 p.m. Sun. (Nov. 17) at the Power Center for the Performing Arts. Tickets to the opera production are $18 and $14.
On Sat. (Nov. 16) the Men’s Glee Club will appear in concert at 6 p.m. and 9 p.m. at Hill Auditorium. Tickets, available at the Hill Auditorium Box Office, cost $10, $8 and $3. The Vocal Arts Lab will present accompanist to the stars Martin Katz, who has accompanied singers including Kiri Te Kanawa and Marilyn Horne, in a guest demonstration at 6:30 p.m. Mon. (Nov. 17) in the School of Music Recital Hall. Call 764-0583 for information.
Herbert Memorial is Nov. 17
The life of Ralph Herbert will be celebrated at a memorial 11:30 a.m. Sun. (Nov. 17) in Blanche Anderson Moore Hall at the School of Music. Herbert, who died on Oct. 21, 1995, was a member of the School of Music faculty for 20 years until his retirement in 1981.
CREES lecture examines
economics of political separation
Jan Svejnar, the Everett E. Berg Professor of Business Administration and executive director of the William Davidson Institute, will speak on “The Economics of Separation: The Czech and Slovak Experience” at noon Wed. (Nov. 13), Lane Hall Commons Room. The lecture is sponsored by the Center for Russian and East European Studies. Call 764-0351 for information.
Discussion on community
parenting resources slated
The Family Care Resources Program and the Center for Education of Women (CEW) will present a panel discussion on parenting resources in the community noon-1 p.m. Nov. 19 in Room 4, Michigan League. The presentation will offer concrete solutions to women’s quest for balance between career and family. It is a follow-up to the lecture by Faye Crosby, professor of psychology at Smith College, that took place on Nov. 1. Call 998-6133 for information or to reserve a space.
Lecture answers question:
‘Does It Match the Couch?’
Annie Smith, professor of art at the University of Toronto, will give the Doris Sloan Memorial Lecture at 3 p.m. Sun. (Nov. 17) in Auditorium B, Angell Hall. Smith will present her “experiential approach” to the history of art in her lecture, “Does It Match the Couch?” She will offer advice on “Getting into Art History” (the title of her recent book) to museum-goers, volunteers, educators and novices alike. A reception follows at the Museum. Call 764-0395 for information.
Forum will highlight
environmental research
The Environmental and Water Resources Engineering Program of the College of Engineering will host an Environmental Science and Engineering Forum 2-6 p.m. Fri. (Nov. 15) in Pierpont Commons Lounge. The purpose of the forum is to disseminate research findings from the several groups in the program to academic and industrial interested parties, to foster information exchange and explore possible collaborations.
The keynote lecture will be given by Walter J. Weber Jr., the Gordon Maskew Fair and Earnest Boyce Distinguished University Professor of Environmental Sciences and Engineering, noon-1 p.m. in Boeing Lecture Hall, FXB Bldg. Refreshments will be provided.
UMSARC will hold
open house, research forum
The Substance Abuse Research Center (UMSARC) invites faculty, staff and students to its new offices at 475 Market Place, Suite D, for an open house and research forum 3-6 p.m. Wed. (Nov. 13). Four of the Center’s members will make brief presentations of their work throughout the afternoon and there will be a poster session of other members’ work. Refreshments will be served. For information, call 998-6500 or send e-mail to [email protected].
Sexual assault education session
set for tonight in Michigan Union
The Lesbian Gay Bisexual Programs Office sponsors an educational program on sexual assault 6-8 p.m. tonight (Nov. 12) in the Parker Room, Michigan Union. The focus will be on information regarding the variety of sexual assault occurring in society. Call 763-4186 for information.
Take gardening ‘lightly’
with Matthaei course
Learn to grow plants in perfect summer conditions under indoor lights during the dark winter days with instruction from Richard Tuttle, botanist and owner of Saguaro Rare Plants Nursery 10 a.m.-noon Nov. 23 at the nursery north of Ann Arbor (directions provided to participants). The class, sponsored by Matthaei Botanical Gardens, costs $20. Participants will learn which types of plants do best, how to care for them and how to set up light carts. Call 998-7061 to register or for more information.
Johnson will speak on role
of Lansing Service Center
Veronica Johnson, director of the U-M Lansing Service Center, will talk about the what the office does and its involvement with state government. The center is the University’s liaison office to state government. Johnson’s talk will begin at 11:45 a.m. Nov. 20 in Room 6080, Institute for Social Research. The free, public event is sponsored by the Association of Black Professional Administrators, Faculty and Staff.