The University Record, June 11, 1996
In Brief…
Weddige Collection opens
at Museum of Art
“The Weddige Collection: A Gift to the University” runs through July 7 at the Museum of Art. The exhibition features highlights from the collection of prints donated to the Museum by Emil Weddige, professor emeritus of art. Work by Beckmann, Picasso, Leger, Chagall, Goya and Renoir are featured. The museum is open 11 a.m.–5 p.m. Tues.–Sat., 11 a.m.–9 p.m. Thurs., and noon–5 p.m. Sun. For information, call 764-0395.
Landslide, Resurrection
will perform at hospital
As part of the Gifts of Art program, the Country and Western group Landslide will perform at 12:10 p.m. Thurs. (June 13) in the University Courtyard at University Hospital. The Resurrection will perform gospel music at 12:10 p.m. June 20 in the Courtyard. In case of inclement weather, the free concerts will be held in the first floor lobby, University Hospital. For information, call 936-ARTS.
CEW offers workshop
on choosing a career
The Center for the Education of Women (CEW) is offering “Career Decision Making for Today’s Woman” 9 a.m.–5 p.m. June 24 at the CEW. The workshop will provide working women with the skills and resources they need to answer the increasingly difficult challenges of employment in today’s world and in the future. The workshop will focus on identifying individual skills and interests, will provide an overview of resources available for job searches and career planning, and includes an introduction to career information on the WorldWide Web. The fee for the workshop is $125. For information, call 998-7080.
Leadership workshop for women to be held June 25–26
A two-day workshop, “Leadership for Today’s Woman,” will be held 9 a.m.–5 p.m. June 25–26 at the Center for the Education of Women. The program will help women to understand the dynamics of leadership and help build leadership skills. Sessions will focus on personal change, multicultural competence, negotiating skills and conflict resolution. Included in the workshop is the low ropes challenge course. For information about the workshop, $175, call 998-7080.
CEW offers course
about the Internet
The Center for the Education of Women (CEW) is offering a course to teach women how to navigate the Internet 1–5 p.m. June 27 and again on July 17. In a friendly, supportive environment, participants will get a hands-on, fun introduction to the Internet. Registration fee is $50. For information, call CEW, 998-7080.
U-M-Flint runs
summer camp for kids
Camp Summer Fun, sponsored by the U-M-Flint Recreation Center, is offered to kids ages 6–12 in two sessions: July 15–19 and August 5–9. A full day of activities will be offered 8 a.m.–5 p.m. each day. Cost is $88 per session per child, and $78 for additional family members. Scholarships are available based on need. Registration deadline is one week before the session begins. For information, call (810) 762-3441.
OIP seeks hosts
for exchange students
The Office of International Programs seeks families interested in hosting exchange students from Finland, Russia, Japan and Korea for the 1996–97 academic year. The students, who speak English well, will visit the U-M as juniors or seniors and arrive in Ann Arbor in mid-August. Host families will not provide housing for the students but will be asked to show the students around Ann Arbor and offer friendly support as the student adjusts to the new surroundings. For information, call 764-9485.
Spaces available in pre-school
Beginning in June, full-time (7:30 a.m.–5:30 p.m. Mon.–Fri.) spaces will be available for children ages 2 1/2–3 1/2 years at the Children’s Center for Working Families. For information, call Amy, 663-0011.
Lecture series at Institute of
Gerontology begins today
The Geriatrics Center and Institute of Gerontology host a series of free lectures at 9 a.m. and 11 a.m. today–Thurs. (June 11–13) at the Institute. Topics include the genetics of aging, regulation of gene expression and cell growth control, and cancer and neurodegenerative diseases. For schedule information, call Laura Tonwé, 936-8198, or send e-mail to [email protected].
Botanical Gardens sponsors
programs on butterflies,
The Matthaei Botanical Gardens is sponsoring two programs this week about small flying creatures. Michael Kielb will present “Butterflies” 7–8:30 p.m. Wed. (June 12) and 9 a.m.–2 p.m. Sun. (June 16) at the Botanical Gardens. There are more than 100 species of butterflies found in southeastern Michigan. Kielb will show how, when and where to search for butterflies. The course is $45.
Kielb will present “Dragonflies” 7–8:30 p.m. Thurs. (June 13) and 8 a.m.–noon Sat. (June 15) at the Botanical Gardens. This course, $35, will teach about life cycles, identification and what to expect from dragonflies in southeastern Michigan. For information, call 998-7061.
Learn about water gardening
A small pond can add a whole new dimension to a garden. The effect changes dramatically with a wide choice of plants that can be grown in and around these ponds. Learn design, installation and care of a variety of types of backwater gardens 7–9 p.m. June 18 at Richard Tuttle’s Nursery. Directions will be sent after you sign up for this $15 course. Call 998-7061 for information.
Take a tour of a rose garden
The Matthaei Botanical Gardens has many unusual colorful plants and flowers. Visitors wishing to learn more about perennials and trees can explore the outdoor formal gardens and nature trails with a docent guide at 2 p.m. June 16, 23 and 30. In case of rain, docents will lead guests on an indoor Conservatory Tour. Conservatory admission is $2 for adults. For information, call 998-7061.
Blues festival will fund
U-M-Flint scholarship fund
The third annual Mid-Michigan Blues Festival, which will feature 12 Michigan blues and jazz bands, will be held June 21–23 at Jimmie G’s Food and Blues Club, 14234 Fenton Rd., Fenton. A portion of the proceeds from the festival will fund the Jeffrey F. Garfield Scholarship Fund at the U-M-Flint. A U-M-Flint faculty and staff committee is planning the University’s participation in the festival. For information, call (810) 629-6126.
Learn about
family-friendly benefits
Leslie de Pietro, coordinator of the Family Care Resources Program will present “Family Leaves and Other Family-Friendly Benefits” 10 a.m.–noon Thurs. (June 13) at 1111 Kipke Dr. The $30 program will discuss procedures for taking a childcare, personal medical, or family medical leave of absence, plus information on programs and policies which can help you balance work and family. Advance registration is required. Call 764-7410 for information.
Grants available from
Cancer Center
The Comprehensive Cancer Center requests applications for funds available from the Prostate SPORE Grant. The grant focuses on applications which are directed toward understanding mechanisms involved in prostate cancer development or toward the cure of prostate cancer. Support is available for one year beginning Aug. 1. Funding of up to $50,000 per year is available for faculty, and funding of up to $5,000 per year is available to a student. Deadline for submission is July 1. For information, call Ken Pi enta, 647-3421, or Christine Fierek, 763-3455.
Fitness center offers discount
to students
The Ann Arbor Ice Cube Fitness Center, managed by M-Fit, is offering student discounts for the summer. Students can use the Cube’s fitness facility this summer for one free month with the purchase of two months if enrolled by July 15. The fitness center, 2121 Oak Valley Dr., is open 6 a.m.–9 p.m. Mon.–Fri. and 7 a.m.–8 p.m. Sat.–Sun. For information, call 998-8700.
Carillon bells will ring
on Mondays throughout summer
The bells of the Charles Baird Carillon will ring with music performed by local and international recitalists at 7 p.m. Mondays June 17–July 29. Frank Deleu of Bruge, Belgium, will perform June 17. Jenny King, carillonist from the Jefferson Avenue Presbyterian Church in Detroit, will perform June 24. The series is sponsored in part by the School of Music. For information, call 764-2539.
Condominium Association holds annual meeting June 25
The University Condominium Association, which is planning a housing project for faculty and staff members 55 years of age and older, will hold its annual meeting at 7:30 p.m. June 25 in the Rackham Amphitheater. Members of the Association and the public are invited to attend. Planning for the building will be reported in light of the recent conditional approval by the Board of Regents of the sale of the land off Huron Parkway for the project. The developer, Joe O’Neal, and architects from Hobbs Black & Associates, will discuss their plans and answer questions. For information, call 662-0292.
Welcome to Michigan ’96
looking for sponsors
Units or individuals interested in sponsoring an event for the Welcome to Michigan ’96 program should call 764-6413 or send e-mail to [email protected] by Thurs. (June 13). Welcome to Michigan ’96 is a series of events to welcome new students to campus in the fall.
DAPCEP program seeks alumni
The Detroit Area Pre-College Engineering Program (DAPCEP) is trying to locate the 12,000 alumni of the program. If you are a former DAPCEP student, or know of former DAPCEP students, call 438-1283 or send e-mail to [email protected]. The U-M has supported DAPCEP since its inception, providing summer enrichment programs, leadership on the Board of Directors and summer employment for DAPCEP students.
Exhibit Museum opens exhibit about 10,000 year old woman
The Exhibit Museum of Natural History will be open 6–8 p.m. Thurs. (June 13) for the public unveiling of its newest exhibit, the recreated face and head of a 22-year old woman who lived 10,000 years ago. For in formation about this free exhibit, call 763-4190.
Space research lab is seeking
former staff members
September 20 will be the 50th anniversary of the Space Physics Research Laboratory (SPRL). Records from the early years are incomplete, and staff planning an anniversary celebration at the SPRL are looking for phone numbers and addresses of people who worked, taught or were involved in a Space Physics Lab project from 1946–present. If you were involved with the SPRL, call Marti Moon, 647-3420, or send e-mail to [email protected].
Workshop offered
on medical databases
The Health Sciences Libraries are holding a hands-on workshop designed to orient participants to basic and advanced search features of UM-MEDLINE. UM-MEDLINE provides access to the MEDLINE, HEALTH, AIDSLINE, CINAHL and CANCERLIT databases. Workshops are scheduled noon–1:30 p.m. Wed. (June 12) in Room 2C228, University Hospital and 10:30 a.m.–noon June 28 in the same location. To register, call 763-2037 or send e-mail to [email protected]
Learn about the features
of Netscape
Netscape is currently the most popular software for finding information on the World Wide Web. This hands-on workshop, 10 a.m. –noon Fri. (June 14) in Room G442, School of Public Health, will explain Netscape’s basic features and navigating techniques, as well as provide an introduction to WorldWide Web Home Pages in a public health context.
To register, call 936-1391 or send e-mail to [email protected]
Workshop available
on nursing internet resources
The nursing internet resources workshop, 10 a.m.–noon June 20, will provide an introduction to the WorldWide Web using Netscape software. The focus will be on accessing nursing home pages and searching for specific nursing resources.
The workshop will be in Room B1394, Taubman Center Building. To register, call 763-2037 or send e-mail to medical.library@