McGeoch Professorship established in School of Music

Establishment of the Glenn McGeoch Collegiate Professorship in Music in the School of Music was approved by the Regents at their May meeting.

The professorship is being established with funds provided by Gilbert Patrick, said Paul C. Boylan, vice provost for the arts and dean of the School of Music.

“While an undergraduate student at the U-M, Dr. Patrick enrolled in ‘Introduction to Musical Literature,’ taught by Prof. Glenn McGeoch. Throughout his lifetime as a practicing physician, Dr. Patrick found his life so enriched by this experience, in his will he made provision for funds to the School of Music ‘for the express purpose of furthering courses in music appreciation for junior and senior students not majoring in music.’ His bequest, along with some additional funds added by the School of Music, provides the $500,000 required to endow a collegiate professorship.”

McGeoch taught at Michigan in 1930–70 and was influential in the development of the Department of Music History and Literature, serving as its chair for many years. “He was an extraordinarily effective teacher whose introduction to music course was for many years among the most popular on campus,” Boylan noted.

Dearborn Child Development Center will host open house

The U-M Dearborn Child Development Center will hold an open house for its kindergarten program 5–6:30 p.m. Wed. (June 8) in Mod 29 near the Student Services Center for prospective fall 1994 kindergarten students and their families.

Enrollment is open to all children who will be 5 years old before Dec. 1. Both full-time (8 a.m.–3:30 p.m.) and half-time (8 a.m.–noon) enrollment schedules are offered with full-time given priority.

For information, call 593-5424.

Retirement reception honors George D. Zuidema

A reception in honor of George D. Zuidema, who is retiring as vice provost for medical affairs, will be held 1–3 p.m. June 17 in the Vandenberg Room and Concourse, Michigan League.

The reception is being hosted by Medical School Dean Giles G. Bole; John D. Forsyth, executive director of U-M Hospitals; and Gilbert R. Whitaker Jr., provost and executive vice president for academic affairs.

Regents will meet June 16–17

The Regents will hear public comments at 4 p.m. June 16 in the Anderson Room, Michigan Union. The Regents’ meeting will begin at 9 a.m. June 17 in the Regents’ Room, Fleming Administration Bldg. Agenda items include Committee on the Economic Status of the Faculty reports for U-M-Dearborn and U-M-Flint and University Health Service rates.

Amnesty International will meet June 14

The Ann Arbor chapter of Amnesty International will meet at 7:30 p.m. June 14 in the Welker Room, Michigan Union. Rwanda and its history will be discussed.

For information, call 668-0660.

Benefit Reimbursement account cutoff dates announced

To guarantee reimbursement in their June paycheck, Flexible Spending Account participants should submit claims to the Benefits Office, Room G405, Wolverine Tower Low Rise, 3003 S. State St., by June 15 for bi-weekly pay periods or June 20 for monthly pay periods.

Cross country run scheduled

The entry deadline for the spring term cross country 3-mile run at 4:30 p.m. June 13 is 2 p.m. Fri. (June 10) at the Intramural Sports Bldg. The entry fee is $5. The race, sponsored by the Department of Recreational Sports Intramural Sports Program, will be held on a portion of the Gallup Park bicycle path and Mitchell Fields. For information, call (810) 763-3562.

Flint holds fund-raising, grant workshops for non-profit groups

The U-M-Flint Community Stabilization and Revitalization Project has scheduled two workshops for Genesee area non-profit agencies June 10 and June 17.

The workshops, planned in conjunction with the Flint Executive Service Corps and Mott Community College, will cover strategic planning, and grant writing and fund raising for non-profit agencies.

Registration, which includes workshop materials and lunch, is $15 per person for each workshop or $25 for both workshops. For information, call 767-7030.

Comprehensive Cancer Center will benefit from book sales

The Comprehensive Cancer Center will benefit from Borders Book Shop’s Book Days Benefit Weekend June 17–19.

Borders will donate 17 percent of the purchase price of books, periodicals, maps, posters and gift certificates if purchasers mention the Comprehensive Cancer Center.

Customers who are unable to participate in the fund-raiser during Father’s Day weekend can purchase a gift certificate at Borders by contacting Rosalie Schottenfeld, special events coordinator for the Cancer Center, 936-9586. Borders also will accept credit card orders by phone, 668-7652.

U-M-Flint sponsors summer institute for talented students

The U-M-Flint College of Arts and Sciences, in conjunction with the Valley School of Flint, will sponsor the 1994 Summer Institute for Talented Students June 20–30 on the U-M-Flint campus. The theme is “Magic of the Mind.”

The institute is open to Genesee area students in fifth through 10th grades who qualify for the SAT exam or who have letters of support. Tuition is $300. Partial tuition assistance is available on a need basis. Daily sessions will run 9 a.m.–3 p.m. For information, call Paul Peterson, associate professor of philosophy, 762-3085.

Millie Schembechler Memorial Conference will be held June 9

The Millie Schembechler Memorial Conference on Adrenal Cancer will be held at 4 p.m. Thurs. (June 9) in Sheldon Auditorium, Towsley Center.

George P. Chrousos, chief of the Section of Pediatric Endocrinology, National Institute of Child Health and Human Development at the National Institutes of Health, will speak on “Molecular Mechanisms of Adrenal Tumorigenesis: Potential Implications for Therapy.”

A reception will precede the lecture, 3:15–4 p.m., in Room 2314, Towsley Center.

The lecture is sponsored by the Department of Internal Medicine, Division of Endocrinology and Metabolism, the Comprehensive Cancer Center, U-M and the Pharmaceutical Research Division, Warner Lambert-Parke Davis.

Med Center seeks volunteers

Adults and children age 14 and older are invited to attend an informational meeting on volunteering at the Medical Center 7–8 p.m. today (June 6) in Room 2C108, second level, University Hospital.

Volunteers are needed in such areas as the trauma/burn center, Housing Bureau for Seniors and the pediatric clinic. For information, call 936-4327.

Senior Residential Community annual meeting will be June 23

The annual meeting of the University Senior Faculty, Staff and Alumni Residential Community will be held 7:30 p.m. June 23 in Rackham Amphitheater.

The meeting, which is open to members and others who are interested, will include discussion of the status of the residential community and decisions about the development of University Commons.

Members of the community’s Board of Directors and others involved in the project will be available to answer questions.

Register now for summer Adult Lifestyle Programs

Registrations are being accepted for the Adult Lifestyle Program’s summer term, June 29–July 29.

A variety of aerobic and swimming classes are offered, including a new low-impact Step Aerobics class and the popular noon Faculty/Staff Aerobics.

Register 7 a.m.–4 p.m. weekdays in Room 3050, Central Campus Recreation Bldg. Fees range from $42 to $45. Classes meet three times a week. For information or a brochure, call 764-1342.

Feasibility grants available from Geriatrics Center

The Geriatrics Center has announced the availability of funds to support pilot/feasibility research projects in geriatrics and gerontology. Projects may involve basic biomedical science, clinical research, health service research, or behavioral and social science. There is particular interest in studies that propose to develop interventions, or intervention-related methods that show promise for improving the health and independence of elderly people.

Grants are available to individuals with full-time faculty positions at a rank no higher than assistant professor or assistant research scientist. A limited number of grants will be available to full-time faculty, at any rank, whose proposals relate directly to intervention research. Individual awards will not exceed $20,000.

Application deadline is July 15. To request forms, call Julie Koch, 764-2266. Address questions about the program to Richard Miller, 936-2122.

Bus Ad staff recognition program scheduled Thursday

The School of Business Administration’s Staff Recognition Program will be held in Hale Auditorium at 2 p.m. Thurs. (June 9).

Diabetes support group will meet Tuesday

A free diabetes support group sponsored by Turner Geriatric Services meets 1:30–3 p.m. the first Tuesday of the month. The group provides a supportive environment conducive to discussion and education. Laura Kaufman will discuss the physical changes of aging and general health care issues this Tues. (June 7). For information, call Janet Fogler or Paula Park, 764-2556.

TQM, Deming focus of June 8 management program

“Quality: Contrasts Between TQM and the Deming Philosophy,” a 90-minute presentation/discussion, will be held noon–1:30 p.m. Wed. (June 8) in Rackham Amphitheater.

The session will be led by Edward Rothman, professor of statistics and director of the Center for Statistical Consultation and Research (CSCAR) and 15-year associate of W. Edwards Deming. The program, sponsored by CSCAR, is open to anyone interested in quality management principles. The $15 fee includes a snack. To register, call Myrna Pancost, 763-0341.

Friends of Arb sponsor party in the Peony Garden

The Friends of the Arboretum are sponsoring a garden party at the Peony Garden, 2–5 p.m. Sat. (June 11). Rain date is June 12.

The party will feature refreshments, music by the Edinborough Saxophone Quartet and a small gift bazaar. Docents and Arboretum staff will provide information about the Peony Garden, which was designed by Aubrey Terldi, the Arboretum’s first director.

Parking will be available on Geddes Road and Washington Heights and at U-M lot M-29 on Nichols Road.

RSVPs are appreciated. Call Gwen Christensen, 763-6632 or FAX, 936-2195.

LS&A schedules 1994–95 faculty meetings

LS&A faculty meetings for the 1994–95 academic year are scheduled:

Sept 12, Oct. 3, Nov. 7, Dec. 5, Jan. 9, Feb. 6, March 6 and April 3.

Yogurt sales will support Comprehensive Cancer Center

Y&S Yogurt & Sandwich will donate 10 percent of its sales on Sun. (June 12) to the Comprehensive Cancer Center. Y&S Yogurt shops are in the Woodland Plaza, 2264 S. Main St., and at Traver Village, 2693 Plymouth Road. Shops are open 11:30 a.m.–9 p.m.

Coming: Wyatt Earp

Wyatt Earp, directed by alumnus Lawrence Kasdan, will premiere at 5 p.m. June 19 at the Michigan Theater.

This epic of the American West stars Kevin Costner, Gene Hackman and Dennis Quaid. Tickets, benefiting the Program in Film and Video Studies and the Michigan Theater, are $15 general admission, $50 patron, $100 benefactor. For information, call 668-8397.

Nursing History Society plans annual meeting

The Nursing History Society of the U-M will hold its annual picnic and program Tues. (June 7) at the Leslie Science Center, 1831 Traver Road. The potluck picnic begins at 5:30 p.m. and the program starts at 7 p.m. Lois Gage, professor emeritus of nursing, will present an oral history titled “Nursing from a Public Health, Mental Health and International Perspective.”


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