IF the Wolverines won their Final Four NCAA game on Saturday, fans will be able to watch the basketball team play at 8 p.m. tonight (April 5) on big screen TVs at Crisler Arena. Admission is free, on a first-come, first-served basis.
The viewing and other activities, Michigan Madness ’93, have been organized by the Student Leader Board (SLB).
“We decided that since most students and fans can’t go to New Orleans, we might as well bring New Orleans to us,” said SLB member and event coordinator Jarman Davis. “Michigan Madness ’93 is a student-organized celebration which brings the home-court advantage to Crisler.”
The event also will feature U-M cheerleaders, free prizes, and $1 food and soft drink items, except pizza, which will cost $2.
Parking is free and shuttle buses will run from Central Campus to Crisler.
Post-game entertainment is scheduled at Ingalls Mall between Hill Auditorium and the Michigan League.
Other sponsors of Michigan Madness ’93 include the Michigan Student Assembly, the Interfraternity Council, the Panhellenic Association and the Department of Intercollegiate Athletics.