Robert C. Hughes, director of the Housing Division since 1978, has been named executive director of development and external relations for student affairs, effective Feb. 1.
In announcing Hughes’ appointment last week, Vice President for Student Affairs Maureen A. Hartford said she is “very pleased to have Bob Hughes moving to this new post. We are very much in need of help with capital and other development activities.”
Hartford said work began about one year ago to identify significant projects within student affairs that need external funding.
“This appointment caps Bob’s 30-year career in student affairs. He has a wonderful knowledge of the University, of student affairs, and of students and alumni,” Hartford noted. “We need someone with that kind of experience and training for this new position. He will very ably communicate our priorities to others.”
In his new post, Hughes will direct the planning, organization and implementation of fund-raising activities, and also will be responsible for alumni and parent relations and public relations activities for student affairs. He also will participate in the planning, coordination and administration of Universitywide major gift activities and capital campaigns.
Hughes holds a B.A. (1958) and M.A. (1960) from the U-M. He served as guidance director for the Imlay City Schools in 1960–64 and joined the U-M as building director for South Quadrangle in 1964.
He was appointed associate director of residence halls in 1966, then was named assistant director of housing, and, in 1968, associate director of housing. He was acting director in 1977–78.
His professional affiliations include the National Association of Student Personnel Administrators, the Association of College and University Housing Officers-International, National Association of College Auxiliary Services and the Big Ten Chief Housing Officers Association.
He has served as a mentor for the Athletic Department, and has been secretary of the Ann Arbor Rotary Club since 1978.