Editor’s Note: The following books have been published by the U-M Press.
Lifted Masks and Other Works by Susan Glaspell (1882–1948), playwright and feminist, edited by Eric S. Rabkin, professor of English. This is the latest title in our Ann Arbor Paperback series. “Rarely do we meet with a writer who lifts the masks of life, who shows us the naked souls of men, their dreams, their sufferings, their hopes. Here is a book that holds one’s breathless attention, a series of short stories, each revealing the innermost promptings of the heart.”—Boston Evening Transcript. “…finely human pictures of human people, full of…tenderness and…laughter.”—New York Times. “…sturdy narratives and characters who practically jump off the page and begin reciting.”—Publishers Weekly.
The Rise and Fall of an Urban School System: Detroit, 1907–81 by Jeffrey Mirel, associate professor of leadership and educational policy studies, Northern Illinois University. What ails America’s public schools? How can we improve public education in America? Mirel suggests that answers to these important questions can be found by analyzing the rise and fall of Detroit’s public school system. Typical in some ways and atypical in others, Detroit’s school system provides a powerful case study for comparison with other schools in large urban centers.
Discipline and History: Political Science in the United States, edited by James Farr, professor of political science, University of Minnesota, and Raymond Seidelman, professor of political science, Sarah Lawrence College. This anthology offers a panorama of views about the state of the discipline that have been sketched by leading political scientists and disciplinary historians from the late 19th century to the present. Contributors include prominent political scientists from the past, current leaders of the discipline, and contemporary disciplinary historians.
Antidumping: How It Works and Who Gets Hurt by J. Michael Finger, lead economist, trade policy, World Bank. This book presents studies of five industries whose exports have been hard hit by antidumping actions. Each of these studies avoids the legalisms and the jargon of antidumping and answers a straightforward question: Was the national economic interest of either the exporting or the importing country improved by the antidumping actions that were taken? The contributors not only ask questions and present viable answers, but also provide a proposal that offers the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade both consistence and good economics.
Ionesco’s Imperatives: The Politics of Culture by Rosette C. Lamont, professor of French and comparative literature, Graduate School and Queens College, City University of New York. This is the latest volume in our Theater: Theory/Text/Performance series. Ionesco’s Imperatives is the harvest of more than 40 years of reading, teaching and directing Ionesco’s plays, as well as a friendship with the artist that began in the 1960s. It is this wealth of experience and knowledge that enables Lamont to create such a timely and appropriate homage to this great artist.