Editor’s Note: The following books have been published by the U-M Press.
Experimental Foundations of Political Science, edited by Donald R. Kinder, professor of political science and psychology and director, Center for Political Studies; and Thomas R. Palfrey, professor of political science and of economics, California Institute of Technology. This is the latest volume in the Michigan Studies in Political Analysis series. Experimental Foundations of Political Science provides a comprehensive view of the range and power of experimental methods in political science. These classic readings have been selected to demonstrate the potential for experimental research across a variety of traditional and contemporary research areas in political science.
Words to Create a World: Interviews, Essays, and Reviews of Contemporary Poetry by Daniel Hoffman, poet and critic, and Felix E. Schelling, professor of English, University of Pennsylvania. This is the latest volume in the Poets on Poetry series. Words to Create a World spans 45 years and includes essays and reviews of contemporary poetry, expositions of Hoffman’s own work, and interviews in which he responds to queries about his views of poetry and his poems.
Handmaid of the Holy Spirit: Dame Eleanor Davies, Never Soe Mad a Ladie, by Esther S. Cope, professor of history, University of Nebraska at Lincoln. On the morning of July 28, 1625, Dame Eleanor Davies (1590–1652) heard “a great voice from heaven” tell her, “There is Nintene yeares and a halfe to the day of Judgement and you as the meek Virgin.” She believed the message came from the prophet Daniel and began immediately to explain how the books of Daniel and Revelation applied to England’s history. In the next 27 years, she wrote more than 60 religious and political tracts addressed to the king, Parliament, and the public. Filled with anagrams, puns and carefully contrived literary imagery, these tracts offered a devastating critique of the patriarchal society in which Davies lived.
The Origin of Attic Comedy, by the late Francis Macdonald Cornford, with a new introduction by Jeffrey Henderson, professor and chair, Department of Classical Studies, Boston University. Cornford, a pioneer of the interdisciplinary approach to classical studies, was the first to extend to comedies the theory that standard elements of the primitive ritual pattern—the Combat, the Discomfiture of the Victim, the Ceremonial Lament, and the Resurrection—are evident in tragedies. This 1912 classic is still the only full-scale attempt to discover the origin of the form of drama known as Attic Old Comedy.
Handbook of War Studies, edited by Manus I. Midlarsky, professor of political science, Rutgers University. This definitive sourcebook is the first systematic overview of empirically based theories of international conflict. Distinguished scholars of international relations provide a comprehensive survey of contemporary theories and methodological approaches to the study of war.