The University Record, July 9, 1996
The Geography of Identity, edited by Patricia Yaeger, associate professor of English and of women’s studies.
Deterritorialization, translocality, globalization, postcolonial, postnational, transnational: we are in the midst of a redefinition of space. In the very moment that national and ethnic boundaries are breaking down, we encounter paradoxical reinvestments in homeland, territorial integrity, localism, regionalism, and race- and ethno-centrism. How do we make sense of this contradictory mapping of global and local space?
With its explorations of the urban heteroclite, the postcolony and nativist ideologies of place, this volume promises to be a groundbreaking contribution to the remapping of global and local cartographies of culture.
Contributors include Kenrick Ian Grandison, assistant professor of lanscape architecture, and Victoria W. Wolcott, a former U-M doctoral student in history.
The Place of the Stage: License, Play, and Power in Renaissance England, by Steven Mullaney, associate professor of English.
In this richly textured multidisciplinary work, Steven Mullaney examines the cultural situation of popular drama in Elizabethan and Jacobean England. Relying upon a dynamic model of cultural production, Mullaney defines an original and historically grounded perspective on the emergence of popular theater and illustrates the critical, revisionary role it played in the symbolic economy of Renaissance England. Originally published in 1988 by the University of Chicago Press, it is now available from the U-M Press.
“Mullaney marshals an impressive range of cultural representations which, taken together, will undoubtedly force a reconsideration of the semiotics of the Elizabethan stage.” ––Times Higher Education Supplement
Society, Culture, and the State in Germany, 1870-1930, edited by Geoff Eley, professor of history.
This collection of essays seeks to take stock in a flourishing area of historical studies, critically synthesizing existing knowledge and laying down agendas for the future by purposely bringing certain issues and approaches into the foreground. These include the value of taking gender seriously as a priority of historical work; the emergence of social policy and welfare during the early 20th century; religious beliefs and affiliation as a neglected dimension in modern German history; the tremendous importance of the First World War as a climacteric; and the exciting potentials of cultural studies and the new cultural history.
This volume also includes an essay by Kathleen M. Canning, associate professor of history.
The Mushroom Hunter’s Field Guide, by Alexander H. Smith, late professor emeritus of botany, and Nancy Smith Weber, associate professor of forest science, Oregon State University.
This guide tells when, where, and how to find delicious edible mushrooms and how to avoid poisonous ones. Both beginners and experts will be able to identify mushrooms in a matter of minutes with this beautifully illustrated field guide. This edition should be useful throughout the United States and Canada, but its coverage is most detailed for the Northeast, Great Lakes region, Rocky Mountains, and Pacific Northwest. It includes most of the truly fine edible wild mushrooms, whether they are common or rare, and it also includes the most dangerous ones in order that collectors may recognize them for what they are.