Editor’s Note: The following books have been published by the U-M Press.

Water Distribution in Ancient Rome: The Evidence of Frontinus by Harry B. Evans, professor of classics, Fordham University. Over a span of several centuries, Rome supplied itself with a system of aqueducts that brought water to many neighborhoods and allowed the city to grow and expand. Water Distribution in Ancient Rome examines the nature and effects of this system. Drawing on the difficult but critical work of the Roman engineer Frontinus, provided here in translation, Evans reveals comprehensive planning by city officials over long periods of time and the difficulties these engineering feats posed.

Candidates, Congress, and the American Democracy by Linda L. Fowler, professor of political science, Syracuse University. This is the second volume in our Analytical Perspectives on Politics series. In Candidates, Congress, and the American Democracy, Fowler provides a wide-ranging examination of candidacy as a source of both stability and change in American politics. An expert on political candidates, she brings a novel perspective to the topic by emphasizing that candidates are necessary instruments for popular control of government.

On William Stafford: The Worth of Local Things edited by Tom Andrews, assistant professor of English, Ohio University. On William Stafford helps clarify the precise nature of William Stafford’s influence on contemporary American poetry by assembling the responses of some of our best poets and critics to his work, including Richard Hugo, Charles Simic, Louis Simpson, Robert Coles, Linda Pastan and Robert Creeley.

Presence and Desire: Essays on Gender, Sexuality, Performance by Jill Dolan, associate professor of theater and drama and women’s studies, University of Wisconsin, Madison. This is a volume in the Critical Perspectives on Women and Gender series. Dolan’s essays speak to a range of concerns, including current controversies over the most effective form of feminist theater practice; how continental theories came to influence discussions of feminist aesthetics and spectator response; and the importance of theater production and cultural criticism in enabling American culture to reassess the way in which social relations are structured.

Nomodeiktes: Greek Studies in Honor of Martin Ostwald edited by Ralph M. Rosen and Joseph Farrell, associate professors of classical studies, University of Pennsylvania. Nomodeiktes helps illuminate ways in which modern perceptions of the complex period of fifth-century Athens are right and are wrong. Important observations on Greek historians and historiography are made by such scholars as W.R. Connor, Carolyn Dewald and Paul Cartledge. Politics and society are treated by D.M. Lewis, A.J. Graham, Erich Gruen, R.E.A. Palmer, and numerous others. Helen North, Charles H. Kahn and Diskin Clay are among those commenting on that central topic, Greek philosophy. Greek literature is addressed by a stellar group including Helene Peet Foley, Jeffrey Henderson and Michael Vickers.


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