HomeShare program helps seniors and home seekers

The University Record, May 7, 1996

HomeShare program helps seniors and home seekers

If you are over 55 and have been thinking about renting a room in your home to bring in needed income for security, to have help with chores, transportation or just for the company, now is the time to call the Housing Bureau for Seniors, suggests Mary Mengel, HomeShare Program coordinator.

“Summer is the big moving season in Ann Arbor, Ypsilanti and surrounding towns. We currently have 20 individuals or couples looking for housing and willing to provide household help. Now is the time to apply to get on our list of home providers,” she says.

All housing applicants are screened and referred by an experienced counselor. Matching services are free with donations appreciated. The Housing Bureau for Seniors is a community-supported program of the Medical Center. Additional funding recen tly has been provided by the Interfaith Council of Congregations and the Junior League of Ann Arbor.

A recent HomeShare provider who is legally blind says, “I have had people through the Housing Bureau for Seniors for two years. My home sharer is good company. We do errands together since I no longer drive. He is a big help. He even waits for me at the hairdresser. The program has been very helpful because I really need somebody.”

A home seeker sharing in Ypsilanti says, “Home sharing has been a delight. It is a privilege to contribute to another’s well-being, and a relationship has developed which is very dear to me. The awareness that you are giving to some one and she is returning the same fulfills needs that transcend those of simply renting a room.”

To receive more information on home sharing, or to set up an interview, please call a HomeShare counselor at 763-0970.


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