Groundbreaking on Academic Center

University officials and student-athletes dig in to prepare the site of the new Academic Center May 13. The $12 million, 38,000-square-foot building will provide academic study space for more than 700 athletes as well as other undergraduate and graduate students. It will be adjacent to the Marie Hartwig Building on South State Street and is scheduled to open in two years. The schematic design, with steeply sloped roof profiles and the use of masonry with pre-cast stone trim, will create an architectural transition between Hartwig and the two-story north façade of Yost Ice Arena. It was designed by architects from Jickling Lyman Powell Associates. The lead gifts for the center were provided by Steve Ross, the Towsley Foundation, and Don and Ingrid Graham. About 20 individuals and/or groups have donated. “This is, and has been, the number one facility priority for me and the athletic department,” says Bill Martin, director of intercollegiate athletics. Shown here are Chris Hunter and BreAnne McPhilamy (basketball), Adam Finley (football), Meghan Doe (softball), President Mary Sue Coleman, Martin, Jason Avant (football), Associate Athletic Director Warde Manuel and softball coach Carol Hutchins. (Photo by Martin Vloet, U-M Photo Services)

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